Chapter Twenty-One: Do Not Disturb

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Henrik's Pov

To say Aria and I were nervous about going to see dad would be an understatement.

But, we have to remember that this is our dad we're talking about and he'd never hurt us, let alone physically.

We got messages from the girls, wanting to know what our dad told us, but we told them that we just arrived.

Once Aria and I stepped inside the house and I closed the door my sister turned the lights on.

We both jumped back in surprise when we saw dad sitting on the couch.

"Did I scare you both?" Dad softly asked. 

"Why are you sitting in the dark?" I asked, confused.

"I, uh, I have something to tell you. Both of you" Dad said.

"I guess you have been able to put things together. Enough to know that I have been hiding something from you both" Dad explained.

I bit my lip and bounced my knee up and down, anxiously waiting for him to say what he has to say. 

"I have to confess that I've...I've been seeing someone" Dad revealed.

Now that was certainly not what I was expecting.

Aria and I glanced at each other, clearly surprised, before turning back to dad as we blinked a few times.

"Wh...wait, what?" Aria and I asked in unison. 

We heard footsteps and we saw mom slowly walking into the living room.

"Mom, hey, how long have you known about this?" I asked. 

Mom sighed as she walked over to dad and sat in front of him, taking his hand into hers.

"Um, well, since he asked me" Mom softly smiled.

Aria and I looked confused before our eyes wandered down to her hand.

Our eyes widened and our jaws dropped when we saw a beautiful engagement ring on mom's finger.

Oh my god...

Mom and dad are back together...

Oh my god, my parents are back together!

"Wow. Mom, dad, congratulations" I grinned happily.

Aria let out a soft laugh and nodded her head, clearly happy.

"I'm so glad we finally told you guys. Now we don't have to sneak around anymore" Mom chuckled softly.

Dad hummed and nodded. He kissed her head, causing her to smile. 

"That's why we saw you at the radley" Aria nodded in realization.

Now we know who he was meeting.

"Oh! You guys saw me?" Dad asked, curious. 

"We did. Yeah" Aria nodded.

"We just guessed it was for some other reason" I shrugged.

Now I know Aria and I feel like complete assholes for thinking dad had something to do with Charlotte's murder.

Dad got up from the couch and made his way towards the fireplace.

"With you guys being back in town we needed to find some place to talk. About when to tell you two and Mike" Mom explained.

I guess that makes sense.

They obviously needed time to reveal their relationship to their kids, especially when the divorce was a little messy. 

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