Chapter Twenty: New Guys, New Lies

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Henrik's Pov

A yawn escaped my lips and when I opened my eyes.

I quickly covered my face to shield my eyes from the sunlight that was shining through the curtains from the bedroom windows.

I sighed and reached out for Caleb, only to frown when I felt that his side was empty.

Where's my boyfriend...?

I turned around and frowned, he really wasn't there.

Did he wake up before me and just let me sleep while he got Elias ready for the day?

I sat up from my bed, bringing the sheets up with me since it felt a little chilly, and looked around.

I spotted a note on the bedside table and reached for it.

I furrowed my eyebrows together as I scanned through the note.

Good morning, baby boy. I woke up early and so did Elias. Your mom called, wanting to see her grandson and Elias wanted to see his grandmother, so I took him to her place. I made you your favorite breakfast, it's on top of the kitchen counter. We'll be back soon, baby boy. I love you

~ Your lovely boyfriend, Caleb

I sighed in content, letting a smile appear on my face.

He's so caring and loving and I'm just so lucky to have him by my side.

I put the note back on the bedside table before removing the sheets from my body.

I sat on the edge of my bed as I put my boxers back on and put on Caleb's white button down shirt.

I got up from the bed and left the room as I made my way into the kitchen.

An instant smile appeared on my face when I saw my breakfast on the kitchen counter, just like Caleb said.

However, before I could begin eating his delicious breakfast, I spotted my phone next to the plate.

I picked it up and turned it on to see if I had any missed calls or messages.

My eyes widened in shock at what I was seeing.

I had 10 missed calls, all of them were from the girls, except for Spencer.

And 10 missed messages from all of them, again, not including Spencer.

But what confused, and scared, me the most was the message I got from an unknown number.

You know who did it and I'm going to make you talk 

What the hell...?

Who the hell sent this...?

I shook my head and set my phone down and ran back into the bedroom to take a quick shower.

After the shower was done I'd quickly eat the breakfast Caleb made for me and head to the radley and meet the girls.

This is definitely something we need to discuss.

At The Radley

I rushed inside the place and looked around.

I spotted the girls, except Spencer, sitting at the same place we sat after Charlotte's funeral.

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