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The next day was the same as yesterday, I sat at my normal lunch table with my I guess you can call friends. they all were talking when Kyler came over and sat next to Sam with his arm around her, he looked behind me and waved to someone, so I turned my head only to see a kind of disappointed Miguel turning around and walking back to his table. I looked back at Kyler and then at Miguel who sat back down with his friends, then back at Kyler. 

Sam- hey, do you have any plans after school?

Julia- oh well uh this boy I met yesterday, offered to show me around town after school

Yazmine- a boy? is he cute? does he go here?

Julia- yes, yes and no

Moon- than how did you meet him?

Julia- uh mini mart, he's friends weren't being the nicest and he helped me out.

the three girls looked at each other and giggled as I kind of just smiled leaned back in my chair. after school came around and I didn't see Miguel anywhere, what a shocker. I looked through my messages and saw he said he had a 'debate' today which was a bit odd but, I didn't bother pointing that out. I texted Robby to meet me by the mini mart and went there. by the time he showed up, it was 4:30 meaning he was a half hour late, he didn't seem too happy if I'm honest.

Julia- uh your late, you said 4 it's um 4:30

Robby- yeah well somethings came up. let's just get this over with, yeah?

Julia- uh yeah sure, lead the way

Robby starts walking so I try to keep up not wanting to fall behind, it was silent as we walked around. I wanted to start a conversation with him, but I also don't want to piss him anymore than he already was.

Julia- um you know if you don't want to do this, it's alright. I can just catch the bus ride home, it's really no big deal

Robby- no I want to do this, sorry don't mean to come off like an asshole

Julia- alright than why are you so upset? if you don't mind me asking

Robby- I just got in trouble at school, expelled actually.

Julia- expelled?? what for?

Robby- oh uh school fight, you know how it goes. some kid was running his mouth, so I shut him up, that's all. uh anyways this is the big skate park.

Julia- uh I'm sorry they expel you for school fights? I thought they just give you detention or suspension for them-

Robby- well uh it wasn't my first time and I started it but anyways moving on

he continued to show me around, before we made it back towards the mini mart when the same boys from yesterday, Trey and Cruise saw us and walked over. Robby seemed to tense up as they did.

Trey- hey, Keene! just the man we were looking for

Cruise- we have this new sell that needs to get picked up, so we need you to do it!

Robby- uh I can't, I promised to show her around town

both the boys looked at me as I fiddled with the ends of my sleeves before they looked back at Robby.

Trey- Robby, we have a deal remember. I'm sure this pretty girl over here can wait a few hours for you to come back. this is urgent.

Cruise- don't make us have to do it, we all know how that ends for you.

Robby looked at me as I met his eyes, something about this interaction made my stomach turn as I sighed and looked away.

Julia- it's fine, Robby. go do what you have to do, I think I have seen enough of the town. I'm grateful, thank you for showing me around. 

Robby- uh you sure?

Julia- *nods* I'm sure

Robby- uh yeah, you're welcome. just text me when you want to do this again, I'll be around

Julia- I'll do that, um see ya?

I walked past his friends and headed back towards the mini mart strip as I pulled out my phone. I realized it was already a quarter past 5 and Miguel's 'debate' should be over. As I was going to text him to ask where he was going to be dropped off, I heard these noises coming from the inside of this building. I looked at the doors before opening them, the bell chimed as I entered. I saw these mats and mirrors on the walls, I was confused as I turned my head in the direction of the noise only to see Miguel "punching" this dummy with the same man from yesterday standing behind him.

Julia- Miguel, what the heck are you doing?

they both turned their heads to look at me as Miguel immediately stopped what he was doing and moved away from it.

Miguel- Jules, uh what are you doing here? I figured you would have been home by now

Julia- I was being shown around by one of my friends that I met. you told me, yaya and mami that you were going to a debate. why are you here?

Miguel- well um after the thing with Kyler and his friends, yesterday and today I wanted to learn have to defend myself, so I asked Senesi Lawarence to teach me some karate since he used to do some himself

I looked at him in disbelief as I knew my mother and yaya would not approve of this whatsoever, but on que my phone chimed as I looked down at it. I saw a message from Mami, and she seemed pissed, it read 'get home both of you, now.' I knew we were in trouble as I sighed putting my phone back in my pocket.

Julia- Mami is really mad, and plus she won't like this at all Miguel. let's go.

Miguel- uh okay, see you tomorrow, Senesi

I waited for him to grab his bag before we walked out the doors and started walking down the street. I didn't say anything to him since I knew we were going to get an ear full once we got home. which is exactly what happened when we walked through those doors.

Carmen- where were you two?! it's almost 6pm now! I had to come home earlier because yaya had called saying you two hadn't returned home! I thought at first maybe you were with him at his 'debate' but when I checked your trackers on your phone, I find out one Miggy you were in some building and Jul you were walking around town! 

Miguel- I was with Mr. Lawarence from next door. I'm sorry for lying, Mami.

Julia- I was being showed around by a friend, I just forgot to text.

Carmen- what if something had happened, huh?!

Yaya- ¡algo le podría haber pasado a Miguel ya que no estabas con él! ¡qué irresponsable! (Something could have happened to Miguel since you weren't with him! how irresponsible!)

I shook my head as I walked past my mom and yaya, I headed to my room when she spoke again.

Carmen- Julia! I wasn't done talking!

Julia- I have homework, Mami! it won't happen again!

I didn't say anything else as I opened my door, I shut it before sitting on my bed. I wasn't lying when I said I had homework, but I also left out the part that I was frustrated with my Yaya's response. all she cared about was Miguel WHOSE 16 BTW, what about me?

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