V2 Chap 6 : Broken

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3rd person POV

Students emerged from their classrooms, stretching their arms out after a long exhausting day of classes.

The aftermath of the most recent announcement was clearly shown on their faces; the exam had put a strain on their mental states. However, it actually differed depending on how each person handled it. But overall, it was a very problematic announcement.

These past two days have been pretty hectic for the students of the advanced nurturing high school. They couldn't seem to get a break, with announcement after announcement, revelations and trending topics on social media, and then even more surprising revelations. Especially for the newcomers, those were the most frenetic days of their lives, at least for the majority of them.

Luckily, things were starting to quiet down. As the afternoon bell rang, everyone resumed their normal daily activities. The majority of them grouped up to walk back towards the dorms with their friends, discussing various topics, or just walked alone. The club members went to partake in their club activities, and a few tripped towards the mall, whether for karaoke or a shopping spree. There were even some unnamed individuals up to their own things.

"You're not coming today, Ayanokouji-kun ?" Amikura, the sweet purple-haired beauty, stopped dead in her tracks and turned around to look at her friend, who was standing still in front of the class's door, farther away from them, with a blank expression on his face.

"No, there is something I'd like to take care of first." Kiyotaka answered convolutedly.

"Ah, I see." Amikura grinned, before turning to her classmates. "If that's the case, then why don't we utilize this opportunity to go on a shopping trip ? so that we can present brand-new furniture as a surprise for our little married couple's new room~ "

Mako suggestively asked, with a small teasing smirk on her face. Everyone in the group nodded, before adapting similar smiles.

"No, we have a special exam to prepare for. We should rest and get back to our dorms so we can think more clearly. "

"Come onnnnnn Kanzaki-kunnnn~ It'll be fuuuun." Kanzaki, seemingly the only one opposing the idea, started getting dragged down by the girls in an effort to win him over. Eventually, he gave up after some persuasion.

"Oy, I heard that." Kiyotaka deadpanned at the now-not-so-secret anymore surprise, which wasn't even a secret in the first place. Mako cutely bonked her head in jest. "Sure, go ahead, but just remember to email me the bill when you're finished."

"Sure will do !" Mako beamed, before encircled each of her arms around Matsushita and Kobashi's necks and leading them out."Anyways, see ya later Ayanokouji-kun ! "

Kiyotaka watched as his friends turned around the corner, belovingly waving at him before disappearing from his view. He put his hand back to rest after waving back at them, before strolling in the opposite direction.

He lifted his phone out of his pocket as he began his search for the specified location. With the help of a map, he slowly approached the red dot located around the school's campus. Similar to a small resemblance of a treasure hunting game.

But this treasure could very well be a chest full of venomous snakes. That's at least what Kiyotaka thought.

A few minutes later, he stood in front of a door in what seemed to be his desired location. Kiyotaka lifted his head and inspected the sign's components.

Faculty office.... huh ?

Kiyotaka stood wondering about the odd location he had been led to. He had never gone inside the faculty office and had only occasionally gone near it with his girlfriend to submit some student council paperwork at the end of her shift. Aside from that, it would be the first time he visited it, alone.

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