what about me?

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"I can't believe you got all twelve OWLS." George laughed following August down the corridor. "I mean, I guess I could believe it. You are bloody smart."

"Mum wants to take us all out to dinner when we get back to celebrate." August looked behind at him, "Your mum has been helping her with the unpacking and showing her around town."

"Oh! I hope it's Gilly's Cave." George jumped a bit, "They have the best chips!"

"How'd your mum take it with your scores?"

"Fred and I received a letter this morning."

"And?" August laughed

"All it said was 'We will talk when you get home...'"

"Scary." August cringed

"You don't even know half of her rage..." George said with wide eyes.

"Remus?" August knocked on the door to his office door, it was a week after exams, and surprisingly August was not expecting a hard night. With exams over and her results back, she felt perfectly fine with the full moon that night. "Are you ready to walk down with us?"

August and George were supposed to meet Remus in his office that afternoon and walk down to the forest together. McGonagall and Remus wanted to allow August to run around the forbidden forest, with wards up, of course, to let her blow off steam from her exams. And also, it was a week of celebration for her and they really didn't want her to be locked up in the shack all night. But when the pair made it to his office, it was dark and there was no sign of Remus anywhere.

"Reckon he's already down there?" George yawned. August walked up to his desk where she saw the map.

"Ha! He still has the map!" August laughed, picking it up. "It's open. He wouldn't leave it open like this..." August never realized until now, on the far, far right corner, under a small fold that had been unfolded was the shack. There were 7 names. Two of her professors, Sirius, and the trio and... But that name didn't make sense, it shouldn't be on the map...

"Oh no." August could feel anger growing inside her, "Oh my god."

August was sprinting out of the room when George looked at the map.

"Why is Ron with Sirius Black? August?!" He yelled, "Who's Peter? Wait, August slow down!"

No one was prepared for what was about to unfold. Peter, who was no longer a rat, was not even expecting this to happen either. August slammed through the door, her wand at the ready.

"Moon." Remus and Sirius sighed. She was shaking, her face filled with anger. Her wand pointed at one person and one person only.

"Moon, please. Put your wand down.." Sirius pleaded, "Please, don't do this.."

"You.." Her voice was shaky, her eyes were practically glowing embers. "Why are you here?! This is your fault, this is all your fault."

"L-little m-moon!" Peter's voice was squeaky. "Y-you've grown up."

"Shut up!" She stepped closer to the man, the tip of her wand inches from Peter's face, "You don't get to speak, you sad, sad little man. You are supposed to be dead!"

"August, please." Remus begged, trying to grab her hand, but she turned her wand on him, "Don't do this. You don't need to do this."

"You don't know what I need, Remus!" Tears were puddling in her eyes. She turned back to the man, "He trusted you... Remus trusted you to protect me."

"I-I didn't do anything." Peter cried

"I SAID SHUT UP!" Her voice was strong this time, causing the third years to jump, "You were my secret keeper, and you did this to me... You ruined my life."

the gentle moon / george weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now