Heartbreaker? > JIMIN

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Dedicated to my good friend Mocha48 ily~~ ❤️👌



I punched my pillow as those words echoed In my mind. Why does he make me all confused arghh! He plays with me! Like I'm his toy! What the hell. I then called up my friend Erika, she'll know what to do!

" Hey I need help " I said into the speaker.

" Hmm " She said.

" Jimin " Just one word, she knew exactly what I meant.

" Ask him already God dammit " she said and hung up.

Ugh typical her..

But seriously, should I ask him? We'd been friends for a few years and he always acted different around me. All my friends noticed it, the way he acted and talked around me. It's like he's been teasing me but in ' that ' kind of way. I can't even face him now because it's too awkward ARGH!!

It was now 12:30am I needed to sleep because of school tomorrow.

<Next day>

I woke up and stretched my arms then yawned. I hopped out of bed and walked outside to make myself breakfast, today we had school ugh 😑 and I have to face everyone. Which is fine, but Jimin....

I put on my school uniform and walked out of my house, I walk to school everyday and it's really nice as I get time to think and enjoy the breeze. I then spot Jimin walking behind me, I then speed up and walk/run to school.

" Moha! " He shouts, Ahh shit!

I then kept on speed walking " Moha! Wait up! " I then arrived at school and ran up the steps. I then felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I turned around saw Jimin panting.

" Why did you run? " He asked out of breathe, he was sweating right now. Arghhh JSHAISNDNSK

" Uh I- " The bell then rang and I quickly walked off, I felt my face burning up. I sat down at my desk and we had the first 2 classes of the day. I walked out to go to my locker. Jimin then saw me coming out of my class and approached me.

" Hey Moha " He said and smiled, I feel so confused right now. Everything was spinning argh.

" Uh hi " I said quietly and walked off, I entered in my combo and took the book out of my locker.

" Moha are you okay? " He asked all concerned.

I then walked away from him and went to sit down, everyone then appeared after a few minutes. Erika came to sit next to me.

" Did you ask him? " I knew I was going to get punched big time now.

I looked away " No... "

" Ouch! " I said and rubbed the spot where she hit me.

" I told you to ask already Moha! If you want to know what's a going on! " She said, I took out my recess and started eating. Jimin came later on as he had a meeting for sport. Yes he's very athletic. He sat down next to me and smiled, I fake smiled back. Luckily he didn't really notice.

I put on some of my lipgloss on when stupid Erika knocked my arm " Hey! " She then giggled as my arm slipped, making a short line of lipgloss appear across my face near my lip.

" Sorry~ " She then said. Ugh..

I ran out of tissues damn it " Do you have a tissue Erika? " She shook her head and continued talking to Tia.

I then asked Jimin as he was next to me " Do you have a tissue? "

He then looked at me " No sorry "

" Okay don't worry " I said and got up but stopped in my tracks when Jimin used his finger to wipe it off. I was completely frozen in my spot as he did that. His fingers felt soft as it touched my skin.

" Aha sorry " He said quietly then continued talking to V.

I was completely stunned, what is going on arghh.

" Hey Moha can I meet you after school? " I didn't notice Jimin had asked me something. I couldn't stop thinking about what just happened.

" Moha? " I then got back to my senses.

" Huh? "

" Can I? At the gate? "

I had no idea what he was talking about

" Okay " The words slipped out of my mouth.

The bell rung and I went back to class.

<School Ends>

I then zipped up my bag and went to my locker quickly before heading down to the gate. I walked down and saw Jimin leaning against the tree.


Get your mind straight Moha! I said to myself.

" Hey " He said and I smiled shyly.

" Uh so? " I said, what did he have to say to me?

" Let's go for a walk Moha " He said and pushed himself off the tree. We both started walking, I walked next to him but kept my distance.

It had been around 30 minutes and it was still silent. I wanted to break this silence honestly, so awkward what the-

" Hey Moha, I need to tell you something. " Jimin suddenly said.

Okay this is the right time " I need to ask you something as well " I said and he nodded, telling me to go first.

" I don't know what's wrong but you've been acting weird around me. Jimin, I'm all confused. " I said honestly.

He then laughed " I can't stand the awkwardness anymore Moha " He said softly and I nodded. He then put his hands around my waist and pulled me into his chest for a hug.

" I like you " He said , my face was against his chest and I felt his heart beating faster and faster by the second.

I smiled " Me too "

He then pulled me in for a deep kiss which I didn't resist.


Hope you all like it! this ones with Jimin! If you would like please DM ( directly message ) me, I might do it. This because of school and I'm getting busier by the day aha..

Plz support this book!


More to come~~

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