Those three words > V

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Dedicated too NaychihninnHtut  Thankyou for requesting!! I hope you like your imagine xx

I ran out of the lecture room, to the place where no student goes in the university. I'd call it my own secret little hide out place? But ever since he found out about it, it's not so secret anymore.

Kim Taehyung.

Aish... That jerk. I ruffled my hair and then clenched my hands into fists. I didn't know what to do now, I just want to let out my anger. We'd become close, too close, to the point where I got hurt. I started to develop feelings for him but when he started hanging out with my best friend Mia.. It all went downhill from there.

I just couldn't bear to hear her talking about him, too see her smiling with him, too see her interacting with him. I DON'T WANT HER NEAR HIM. I ONLY WANT HIM TO BE WITH ME, think about me, only me.

No one else.

I don't care if I sound selfish or whatever but I'm in love with Kim Taehyung and it hurts my heart too see him with someone else. Especially when that someone else is my best friend.

I reached my 'secret spot' which was basically an abandoned classroom on the 3rd floor of the uni. It'd been sealed off as the classroom was no longer needed for some reason, I go there to relax and just to rest. I sat my back against the wall and looked over the empty classroom. The board still had stuff written on it, then all of a sudden I heard footsteps.

"YAH, HAN RIYOUNG!" It was him, I jumped up within seconds and ran to the door in attempt to close it before he came in. As I was just about to shut it I heard a loud thud, his hand was on the door.

"Yah.." He said out of breathe, tears were forming in my eyes.

"Ka.. (Go)" I said with my voice which was on the verge of breaking.

He then let out a sigh, "Let me in.. Please." I held the door handle with all my might, half of me didn't want to let him in. The other half did, what do I do?

"Just let me talk to you RiYoung-ah.." He said in a more gentle tone.

We both decided to stay back after lectures to finish off our group project, he kept talking about Mia and I-i just couldn't handle it anymore. I had a sudden outburst, which lead to a argument. Now leading to this.

"Please." I heard him say, his voice breaking me out of my thoughts. I let go of the door handle and stood there, I looked him in the eye. The tears dropping down, I wanted him too see how hurt I felt. Did he not see that I had feelings for him? All those time we sat together and her talk about Mia I had to bare with it. Could he not see that I felt sad??

He then stepped forward which made me step back, all of a sudden he pulled me into his embrace. Wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. I wanted to stay like this forever but I then pushed him away.

"Sorry I-" I then collapsed back into one of the seats. I started crying, full on crying. I expected Taehyung to walk away but instead he sat next to me.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you." I then sniffed. "Ani, I should say sorry. For troubling you." I felt mad at him but my feelings now crossing over.

"Kim Taehyung, I love you. Ever since the day I met you and all the time we spent together.. I love you." I said not looking at his face, I wanted to avoid his eye. I felt a bit embarrassed with my sudden confession. He then placed his finger on my chin and lifted my head up to face him.

"I-I love you too RiYoung." I then looked back down immediately, my cheeks becoming bright red. I never thought he'd say those three words back to me.

I thought he liked Mia but I guess I was wrong, all of a sudden he pulled me into a deep and passionate kiss.

"Sorry RiYoung-ah.. I won't shout at you from now on, I'll protect you. No matter what." He said, looking straight into my eyes, our faces inches away from each other.

I love you Kim Taehyung.

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