'S' - Suga

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Dedicated too  BTS____Lover thanks soo much for requesting! I'm so happy you gave me the chance to write for ya! Also I'm so sorry for the long wait, I hope you love this imagine :) 


It was never meant to be this way. 

You kicked and screamed and also hit him in the most painful places but he didn't even flinch. He then covered your mouth and you bit his hand, he then shouted out a curse. You then went on to spit out the excess blood on the ground and continued to scream the four letter word, 'h e l p.'

"You bitch." He said to you with disgust, he then looked down at his hand horrifyingly. "YOU BITCH." He shouted and lunged towards you, throwing a punch to your head which resulted in you collapsing to the ground. Your eyes were slowly shutting as you heard his evil laugh. Your last thoughts were of friends and family. You felt your body jolt as you was thrown in what it seemed like, the back of the car. Once you regained your consciousness you tried to sit up in the car but instead, bumping your head on the roof of the trunk. You thought to yourself that you were pathetic and dumb, why did you even come out late at night to the convenience store? You knew the reports all over the TV of recent kidnappings, but you also remembered that all those girls were rescued. By someone going by the name of "S." 

"S, please come save me." You whispered to no one. No one could hear you right now, not even if you screamed. You then had a panic attack and then fell asleep. A few hours later you were then awoken by the harsh treatment of the man who had kidnapped you in the first place, he opened the trunk and dragged you out roughly. "Walk." He commanded, as he pushed your back, nearly making you fall face first on the concrete path. You kept on walking in the dark, you looked up at the night sky, through your blind folds you could see the white light. "Stop." The man behind you spoke, you then saw an abandoned warehouse in front of you once you were allowed to take off your blind fold. The eeriness giving you the chills, the sound of laughter followed up after. "Go in and take all your clothes off." The man said as he groped your thigh, you immediately slapped your his away, "Don't touch me." You hissed, he just laughed, you watched as he walked inside. "I brought our gold men!" You heard him shout, you were frozen outside, you wanted to run but then yet again, you were frozen. Where is there to run although? You scanned your surroundings, trees, trees, grass, tall trees and more trees. 

You then remembered, he blind folded you. You couldn't get back anyway. "Over here." You heard someone whisper. No, it's only your imagination y/n, you told yourself. "WHERE IS THE GOLD? BRING HER IN HERE NOW." You heard one of the men inside angrily shout, "Pst!" The same voice called out to you, maybe it isn't your imagination? You then felt your guts starting to twist as footsteps that were approaching you at a quick pace got louder and louder and- You were then grabbed by the waist and dragged down by someone, you tried to scream but your mouth was covered. "Be quiet, and no one dies." The voice spoke. You then fell dead silent. You suddenly felt safe, whoever this was, they saved you, his hands around your waist made you feel warm inside. "Shit. Where is she??" The man muttered to himself as he looked around. He then kicked the dirt before heading back inside. "SEARCH PARTY OUT." He shouted, you were then lifted up by the wrist and ran hand in hand with, "I'm S by the way." He said as you both ran through the woods. 

A few hours later.

S brought you back to his home to calm you down from the aftershock, you saw his features up close and had to admit he wasn't bad looking. "What's your real name?" You asked with curiosity. "Suga, or Min Yoongi. Either works." He said whilst shrugging his shoulders. "What's your name?" He then asked you, "My name is y/n.." You said quietly. S then nodded his head slowly, "Do you have a home?" He asked you, you were taken back by his question but you then looked down at yourself and the clothes that you were wearing. They were completely and utterly ruined by that long walk to the abandoned warehouse, also you looked like you hadn't been sleeping for days.

"No.. I got kicked out of my apartment." You said sadly. "I might be a stranger to you but I'm offering if you'd like to stay with me? I have a spare room." Suga said and your face lit up. "Is that really okay with you? S?" You asked as you inched closer to him on the couch.

"Yes it is, also, don't call me S. I'll give you the privilege to called me Suga." He said with a smile. 

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