I know you can hear me > Jungkook

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Dedicated too Mocha48 💕💕 hope you love it ^^

I looked blankly into the sky, just thinking to myself.

Why does the badass have to be my neighbour?

Oh and even worse?

Why does his mum have to be close friends with my mum?

I woke up an hour earlier today and did everything earlier! So I can leave early and not walk with him, because I've actually had enough. Not even kidding, everyday we have to walk together since our mums want us too and there's no arguing with that.

I packed my bag and within a second, was out the door. I let out a sign of relief when I realised Jungkook hadn't left yet. I hoped to open the gate quietly but guess what? THE GATE CREAKED WHEN I OPENED IT AND THEN JUNGKOOK CAME WALKING OUT. With his happy chappy face.

Jeon Jungkook, <insert my disgusted face> He's the bad boy of our school, many girls like him and yea you know the rest. He's so annoying, I can't deal with him anymore, on the way to school he'd nag me and not shut up. I'm trying to listen to my music and he keeps on blabbing away. Sigh* "Heyy Moha!" He says me to me in a cheerful voice, "Cut the act already." I bluntly say back.

"Yea ok." He said in a cold voice, well that took only a few seconds. To everyone at school he acts kind and all, but to me he's so different. I guess people change a lot once you really get to know them, I mean I used to date this guy. Ever since I found out about his true colors, I started to dislike him but me being the coward, I couldn't say anything. He ended up dumping me, the whole school couldn't shut up for weeks. Then coincidently my mum and I moved and he happened to become our neighbors, his mum and mine became close and so I guess that's how we ended up like this. I turn up the volume of my music and drown myself in it, I looked up at the sky and exhaled-


I looked down onto the road and saw a car only metres away from me, I realised I walked off the pathway shoot. I turned around and saw Jungkook already running towards me, "YAH MOHA!" He then grabbed my arm and pulled me into his embrace, the honking stopped and the car drove past. Everything happened in slow motion...

"I'm so sorry-"

"YOU IDIOT, STUPID PERSON, DO YOU WANT TO DIE??" He shouted at me, I couldn't say anything back since I was in a state of shock. "Sorry for shouting... Are you alright?" He then asked, I looked down at my hands and saw that they were shaking, I then collapsed.


"What happened? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?" I heard a voice ask, who is that?

"She walked onto the road.."

"MOH? (what?) HOW?" Is that my mum? Sounds like her..

I opened my eyes slowly and my vision was all blurry, I could see that I was at the school infirmary. My eyes automatically shut as I saw Jungkook's head turn to look at me. 

They kept on talking for a few minutes before everyone went out the room, I was about to open my eyes and sit up when I heard a voice start talking.

"Moha I'm sorry.."

Jungkook? I didn't want to say anything, I wanted to hear what he had to say.

He then walked towards me as I heard his footsteps, then pulled a chair out to sit on, "I don't care if you can hear me or not but I'm going to say all this anyway."

"I apologise for dumping you, your a great girl and I just thought we didn't belong together, after all I'm part of the schools gang and your the smart normal girl. We don't mix. My friends in BTS kept making fun of you, saying that I ended up dating a nerd.. I tried to tell them you weren't a nerd, I defended you against their insults but I just couldn't take it anymore."

He then let out a deep breathe.

"So I dumped you, thinking it was for the best. The rest of the gang shut up and stopped teasing me and insulting you and I was happy. Until I realised I missed you, I realised how much I loved you. I want you back Moha..."

I then gulped, I couldn't stay still shoot.. What do I do?? Aish. I can feel myself heating up. I've never seen this emotional side to him before, it's always him being cold and rude, typical badboy attitude.

Jungkook then chuckled, have I been discovered??

"I know you can hear me." I tried to remain quiet and still, he then got up from his chair. Good he's going to walk out!

But he actually kissed me on the lips.


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