Can you be the one to accept me? > V

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hi hi this is an imagine dedicated too @Luna_1518 sorry it took so long! I hope ya like it!

{Btw I ain't continuing on with PT.2 for the 'real housewives of BTS' bc idek what I was thinking when writing that and I feel stupid so yea :)}


It was the second week of highschool she hated it. Her hopes of being accepted by the students  were crushed, everyone looked at her weirdly, they gossiped and they talked behind her back.


She was bullied as well.

She could never forget the day those girls called her to the back of the school, in thought of that they just wanted to talk to her, she went. She was desperate for friends, be it a girl or boy. Before reaching highschool she had many friends, she wasn't judged for who she was and no one gossiped behind her back.

Yea she was pretty weird, the way she acted and all, she just wanted to find someone who accepted her for who she was. She wasn't the type to put on makeup, pull her dress all the way to her butt and come to school. For that she was judged for not being apart of those girls who did that, which was like 98% of the grades girls.

Their all sluts and Marisol wasn't going to be one.

That day when they called her to the back of the school, she walked with light steps, a small smile on her face in hope these girls wanted to be friends. How dumb of her to think that. When she appeared in front of then they lunged at her, tackling her to the ground, one girl video recording her getting beaten and humiliated.

"Stop." She quietly muttered to herself as they kicked her as she lay on the ground. "S-STOP!" She shouted once more, they did and one of the girls knelt down and pulled her hair, making her clench her teeth together. "No. I don't want too." She said and let go of her hair, Marisol's head then colliding harshly with the ground and she fell un-conscious.

The last thing she saw was a boy walking towards her with a lollipop in his mouth.


"You awake yet?" She heard someone ask her. Her eyes flickered open and she saw she was in a white room, probably the school's sick bay. "You're in the hospital." She heard the same voice say to her. "The hospital?" She muttered to herself. She looked to her right and looked out the window, she really was.

"I carried you all the way here so you better thank me Marisol."

Marisol then turned her head to the left and saw Kim Taehyung. Schools bad boy, why is he here? "Why- what- why did you help me?" She asked, knowing it was a dumb question but she asked anyways. "Well I kinda wanted to help you so I did." He said.

"T-thankyou." She said and tears started to form in her eyes. Next thing she knew they were streaming down her face. Taehyung then used his fingers to rub the tears off her face. "Don't cry. Makes you look really ugly." He said with a small smile and she let out a laugh.

"Out of all the people, I never expected it to be you." She said honestly and he chuckled. "True. I don't why I bothered to help you either." He said.

"You're special I guess." He said quietly and sat down on one of the chairs. 

Can he be the one to accept me?

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