First time in Seoul? > Jungkook

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Dedicated to AdritaAli12 Thankyou for requesting!! I hope you like the imagine I wrote for you! <33


5:00 PM

I hopped off the plane, wasn't a long flight just a couple of hours from Jeju where I am came from. I decided to move to Seoul, a place I've never been too before but my parents suggested that I should move and live in the heart of South Korea.

So here I am! I collected my luggage, ready to head out, I took out my phone and got out my map. Hopefully I don't get lost.. I stepped out onto the streets and made my way down the road, just like the map said. I was heading to my new apartment, furnished and new! I kept on walking and decided to have a quick stop inside a small cafe. It's winter in Korea, so cold.. I could use a nice hot drink. I walked up and ordered a hot chocolate and then waited in line for it.

Once it came I took a sip which instantly warmed up my whole body. Then once I was done I took off again, a few minutes later I glimpsed down at my phone to see which direction I should take, left or right? I looked down to see a black screen, I pressed the home button multiple times. "Aish.. I should've charged it before I left for the airport." I muttered to myself as I used my foot to kick the ground. I then looked both sides and scratched my head, which way??? I then started jumping up and down out of frustration.

I then heard someone laughing behind me so I turned around and saw a boy standing there laughing. I rolled my eyes and turned back around, this isn't what I need right now. "Lost?" I heard him say, "Ani.." I replied. He then chuckled, "You've been standing here for quite awhile.." I turned around to face him, "You were watching me?" I said narrowing my eyes. He shook his head and pointed all the way down the road, "I walked from all the way down there and could see you standing here." I then nodded my slowly, "Oh.." I then bit my lip, ugh, here goes nothing. "Yes I am lost, my phone died along the way and now I can't get to my apartment and I-" He then placed his hand on my shoulder, "Where's your apartment?" He asked, I narrowed my eyes again, "Yah do you want me to help you or not?" He said and I sighed before telling him the address. "Oh! That's where I live too!" He said and held his hand up for a high five? I stared at his hand for a few seconds before awkwardly high-hiving him. "Can we get going now?" I asked him and he nodded his head. I let go of my suitcase for a second to fix my beanie that I was wearing and when I reached for my suitcase it was gone. "Eh??" I looked around and saw the boy carrying it with him. I walked up to him and realised I didn't know his name, "Uhh what's your name?" He then turned around to look at me, "Jeon Jungkook, you?"

"Y/N" I said and he smiled before turning back around. I then sped up my pace so that I could walk beside him. "Where'd you come from?" He asked me, "Jejudo." I replied and he gasped, "Wahhh Jeju! Take me there sometime, ok?" I smiled and nodded my head.  "Have you never been to Seoul before? Sorry for asking but you-" I nodded my head, "First time.. I don't even know why my parents suggested I move here.." He smiled, "Don't worry if you get lost I can take you around!" My eyes widened, "Jincha?" He then nodded his head. We kept on walking for around 10 minutes when finally a very tall, modern apartment was standing in front of me. "This it?" I asked and Jungkook smiled, "Welcome." He said before walking in. He brought me all the way to my front door and told me he lived two down from me.

"Well we live pretty close then haha.." I said and he nodded his head, and then handed me my suitcase, "I'll see you tomorrow here at hmm around 12?" He said quickly and then turned around and walked off.

"Uh.. Okay!" I said loudly so he could hear me.

A few months later

Another day with Kookie! Thanks to his help I've been adjusting to Seoul pretty well. He takes me out nearly every weekend except when he has a busy schedule. Today he wanted to take me a park for a walk at night, so here I am, 8:30PM, waiting for him to come at the same spot we've always met. All of a sudden a pair of hands covered my eyes, "Guess who?" I heard him say, "Yah," I started off, his hands still covered my eyes, "who else would it be?" I then removed his hands and linked arms with him. Suddenly he looked away, "Waeyo?" I said and he then looked at me nearly instantly, "Nothing!!" He replied, I stared at him with confusion, "Esanghae.."

[Esanghae - Means weird.]

We then walked off and arrived at the park, I unlinked my arm from his and stood in front of him, "So, why did you ask for me to come out randomly at night? To come to a park?" I questioned him, he then bit his lip, "Uhh, I have to tell you something." He said and I nodded my head, "Yea?" He then let out a deep breathe, "Y/N, all this time, ever since you moved to Seoul and I've been taking you out every weekend. I started to develop feelings for you.. So I wanted to say I um, I li-" He was then cut off by my ringtone, "Aish.. Who is calling me at this time!?" I turned around and pulled out my phone, "Yeong Hee? Aish that girl and her boy problems.. " I muttered to myself, "Mian, kookie I think I have to take this phone ca-"

He then spun me around and pressed his lips against mine. "Ani, that can wait." He said quickly before re-connecting the kiss. He then wrapped his arms around my waist. "You like me? Is that what you wanted to say?" I said to him after breaking the kiss. He nodded his head and placed his hand on his neck. I then pulled him into my embrace, "I do too.." I quietly said into his chest.


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