Changed feelings

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Demetria's POV

Everything here always ends up in me drenching in tears. I've been avoiding Storm as much as I can. I haven't been in his class since that day, it was four days ago.

I saw him two days ago, he tried to talk to me but I only stepped away. I was saved by him being called by one of the headmistresses about a "family thing". I was happy I could avoid him some more. Scarlett was confused but she didn't ask much of it.

Today is Friday and tomorrow is the costume party. I don't want to go but Scarlett keeps insisting I do. I'm going as Black cat who's also a zombie, it goes well with the white hair. And well I love cats so why not a cat costume?

I just finished the last of my classes and I'm currently walking with Cassandra back to our unit. I love how there's never a dull moment with her because she's always talking.

"Because like why can't I get a boyfriend? You know?" I agree with her. Even though I don't hear half of the things she says but she doesn't care as long as I seemed like I was listening to her.

"So when are you getting a boyfriend?" She asks.

"Oh- me? I don't think I can get one either." I say.

"Why not? You're pretty and you're nice. Plus I heard that some guys like you." Those are all lies I can tell you that.

"Except the little detail of how I'm a humanoid." I say.

"Good point. What you have is like virginity. When you're a virgin, no matter how pretty you are to guys they still won't want you unless you're willing to go all the way or you give them that hope. We have it hard too." She says. Weird metaphor but kinda not wrong. Did she just confess about her virginity to me? Well.

"You're a virgin? Noooo." I get fake shocked. Obviously it's not my business to know about someone's sex life so why would I care if she's a virgin or not? I'm a virgin too.

"Stop making it a joke. Virgins need love too." She says with a some cute laughs.

"If it makes you feel better, I'm also a virgin." I say.

"Of course you are. You don't even want to try dating." Wait why did I feel a bit violated.

"Hey!" I say feeling defensive.

"What is this about virgins?" Someone behind me says causing me to turn. It was River.

Embarassment overtook me and I'm sorry to whoever is reading this and getting the second hand embarassment. But being a virgin is not a crime and in fact it is a person's choice and shouldn't be bad!

"Hi River." I say awkwardly trying not to look at him in the eyes.

"Well that's my cue. I gotta go uh walk my goldfish." Cassandra says with a very weak excuse to try and escape.

I gave her an annoyed look for bailing like that and she started sprinting away. She did not just leave me alone with River.

"I hope they have a great walk." River says.

I crossed my arms at his stupid joke.

"What are you doing here besides eavesdropping on two girls?" I ask him.

"I was about to ask you about the party but since she left well I figured would prefer a surprise. So I'd rather talk about something else." He says.

"Oh? Okay, what's that?" As soon as that registered, I feel like I know what he was to ask me.

"Well, Storm." I don't say anything nor do I give him a reaction as I wait for him to continue. "He really wants to talk to you and you're blowing him off. You're even ruining your attendance record."

"And whose fault is that? I won't be around someone who almost killed me." I say.

"And I get that, really. But Storm has more control that I do, his alter ego is completely and utterly under his control. Something must've triggered him but he wouldn't do that purposely. This is Storm we're talking about, he never apologises but he wants to with you." He explained.

"Well congratulations to him for being a decent person for once." I snarled when my anger started increasing.

Because why does he have to be praised for something he should do just because "he doesn't usually do it"?

"Demetria." He tries to plead.

"No River! I don't get why you're defending him when he's been a bitch to you more than anyone. I'm pretty sure my forgiveness doesn't bother him, so please talk to me about anything but Storm." I try pulling myself together after I made my point and left him there.

He hasn't been doing much effort to ask for forgiveness so I'm not forgiving him any, he doesn't deserve it.

I turn without a word and started continuing the walk back to my room I told mom about the things that happened and not my friends, I felt they would get the wrong idea.

I'd rather let him kill me than me killing the Vampire Prince himself. What if I laid a so much as a scratch on his charming face and they will say I tried to murder him or if I did murder him.

I don't get how my powers didn't react. They were reacting with Theo but not with him. It's like I knew who not to hurt because I didn't have a choice.

It doesn't matter though because I've been trying my best to act like I'm okay and I wasn't spooked a few days ago. Why you ask? I don't want to be called an attention seeker.

I became known for not just what I am but the most stupidest honest mistake on the very first day and week here. So far it's been almost a month. And I haven't managed to give myself attention except when I bodied the freshmen on my first time in Storm's class. Still the same week, just not as easily forgettable.

I'm not ready to be called a murderer but death I am probably ready for.

I finally made it to my room. I was about to open the door when I heard someone talking inside.

"... close with him. They just talk but I doubt there's something going on there." The person pauses so I wait a little longer until they spoke again. "Keep them separate. Okay then. Wh-what? Ge- Mom I'll call you back."

I knew I was busted when she dropped the call. I walked in feeling a bit ashamed for eavesdropping.

"Yeah, I'm glad you see that you did a bad thing." Jasmine says with her arms crossed, foot tapping on the ground and a very judging look.

"I'm sorry. I thought it was your relationship problems." I say trying to looks sorry.

"It is, just not mine. My cousin's, he wants to date my mom's friend's son. In my home they are very homophobic so of course they are fighting all of that." She says. Oh. I didn't know.

I mean I didn't ask, it felt like she was womansplaining. As if she was hiding something but I'm not going to pry.

"So..." I say trying to break the awkward silence. "What are you going as tomorrow?" Maybe changing the topic might make her feel better.

"Oh honey, all this dark skin and this beautiful name deserves me going as Princess Jasmine. Or Tiana? I'm still undecided." I do see her pulling off a Princess Tiana.

She actually was my favourite Princess because she beat the odds and never gave up. The complete opposite of me, with a much much more enthusiastic attitude too.

"Well I was just gonna shower and head for training. I can't wait to see you ruling the party tomorrow." I say.

"You know I'm going to be ruling that party girl. I'm gonna visit my boyfriend so.. ciao!" And with that she left.

Alone at last, well as alone as I can be. Listening to some Dangerous woman by Ariana would be great right now.

Funny how this chapter started out with me being sad and now I'm in a positive mood.

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