Joey Jordinson

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Set In 2006

I lay there with Joeys had on my stomach. He gently caresses my thighs, while I twirl his hair in between my fingers. We lay in our hotel room watching some MTV show that came on.

Joey is the drummer for Slipknot. Him and I started dating about five years ago. I go on tour with them since I help the band.

"I love you." Joey mumbles, his warm breath on my stomach.

I smile to my self and look at my little goth boyfriend. I begin braiding a little stran of his hair.

"I love you too Joey."

He continues rubbing my thigh, moaning softly against my skin.

"What?" I ask calmly looking down at him. He has his eyes closed, and a soft smile on his face. The metal on his rings rubbing my thighs.

His eyes flicker open, his beautiful blue eyes making contact with mine.

"I like it when you do that."

"Play with your hair?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows.

He nods humming softly and closes his eyes again. I continue putting little braids in his hair.

"Don't you dare ever cut it off." I whisper.

"I won't. I promise baby." He whispers back. I'd kiss him but with the way he's laying on me I can't get up and he seems so comfortable and content I don't want too move.
Whenever I can get this chaotic ball of energy to be calm, I take advantage of every second I can get and let him be calm.

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