Joey Jordinson

861 14 11

Set in 2006

This is for all my boos that are insecure about their bodies. DONT BECAUSE YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL THE WAY YOU ARE 💋 (I've got no room to talk but still 💅🏻) so this chapter is gonna be about how Joey comforts you on having some tummy fat. I'll write another chapter for anyone who feels like they are too skinny 🫶🏻 but again you are all beautiful the way you are! Don't let beauty standards control you. If YOU feel good about how YOU look, then don't change that! But ya know what, if it's something that really does bug you and you just wanna feel better about your self make those changes! But don't do it for anyone else bestie.


I stand in the bathroom, staring at my self in the mirror judging my self. I'm not huge or anything, but again I'm not skinny. I don't have the perfect hour glass shape. I can see it though, if I was skinnier I'd have it. I can tell by the way my sides dip. But it's so hard to make changes. To eat healthier, and go to the gym.
I run my hands across the stretch marks on the bottom of my belly.

'I just want those to go away.' I think to my self and let a tear roll down my cheek. I just wanna feel pretty.

Joey, my boyfriend of seven months knocks on the door.

"Hey can I come in."

"Um. No I'm not dressed."

"So? It's not like I haven't seen you before." I've really gained weight since he's been gone. I didn't have these bad stretch marks last time he saw me.

"Just wait a second please."

"Babe.. seriously I know why you aren't letting me in. I don't care, I still think your fucking hot just the way you are. A few stretch marks aren't gonna change my mind."

"It's not just a few.. it's all over the bottom of my stomach. My arms have them. My legs are getting them." I put my hoodie on.

"Okay? That's not gonna change how I look at you."

I unlock the door and open it. I go to walk past him but he puts his arm up.

"I'm serious." He stares at me.

"I know." I mumble and try to walk past him.

"Love, you are beautiful the way you are. I'm not just saying this. You could be fucking 400 pounds or 150 pounds and I'd love you the exact same. You are so drop fucking dead gorgeous."

"I just don't wanna feel judged for my stretch marks." He gives me a sympathetic smile and places his hands on my stomach.

"Who gives a shit what other people think? You and I are the only that are gonna see it. Fuck everyone else."

I nod, not knowing how to respond back. All I wanna do is cry.

"Can I see?" He moves his fingers to the hem of my shirt. I shake my head no, tears starting to fill my eyes.

"Okay, okay that's fine. You show me when you're ready. I don't wanna pressure you to show me. You don't need to cry." He rubs my hips.

"Your gonna leave me." I choke back tears.

He smile and shakes his head. "No I'm not! Baby, I'm serious when I say this. I DONT care. Stretch marks or not. Stomach fat or not. I don't care! I love YOU and your personality. Your funny, smart, and beautiful. That's what I love about you. Your body is just a bonus because you have a killer body."

I give him a half smile. A few tears roll down my cheeks and he wipes them away with his thumbs.

"I'm gonna take a shower okay?" He grabs my ass, "You are more than welcome to get in with me!"

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