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This was written for~ deathcrxsh

Set in 1999
July 5th

Joey and I walk hand in hand to our hotel room. They just finished a concert. Joey unlocks the door and I shut it behind us. We let go of eachother hands and go to opposite sides of the room.

Joey stands in the middle of the room and takes off his red jumpsuit. I sit down on the hotel bed and take off my boots.

"Are you sure you don't wanna go?" Joey tilts his head and steps out of his clothes, leaving him in his boxers. He tosses the bright red clothing at a bag.

"I'm sure, I don't feel like going out." He frowns slightly and walks over to me. He kisses me quickly.

"We'll let me know if you change your mind. I'd like you to go with."

I nod."I'm probably gonna order some food, and take a bath.. did you see the bathtub? It's huge! Well for a hotel it is."

He chuckles and hugs me. Then he goes over to his bag and pulls out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

"Do you know where my leather jacket is?"

"Umm." I toss the blankets around and watch it fall out of them, "Right here."

"Oh thank you baby." I nod, pull out a cigarette and light it. I'll smoke it inside since it's not my house.

Joey comes over and takes it from my fingers, and out it up too his mouth.

"Do you want one?" I extend my arm out, offering the pack.

He shakes his head and blows out the smoke, the opposite direction of me. "I'm good here." He hands it back... "Actually yeah I'll take one."

He sits down beside me so he can put his shoes on. I take one of the cigarettes out of the carton and put it in his mouth. I pull my lighter out of my pocket and light it.

"Mm thanks." He says kinda muffled. I kiss his cheek and lay down on my side. "You are positive you don't wanna go?"

I nod. "Don't drink too much love."

"Oh I will." We both chuckle. He slips on his jacket and brushes out his hair, "Okay well I'm gonna go meet the guys in the lobby."

"Okay babe have fun." He leans over and kisses me then stands up and leaves the hotel room. I get up and go into the bathroom running the warm water.

They had a few samples under the sink of, different body washes, soaps, shampoo and conditioner, and some cute bath bombs. So I decided to try it all out cuz why not..

After that I put on my robe and go sit down on the bed, ordering some food. I decided to grab something for Joey too incase he gets hungry through the night.

After my movie and food I am absolutely stuffed, so I decided it's time for bed. I throw on a baggy shirt and a pair of boy shorts underwear. I climb into bed pulling the cover up to my neck.

(1 am)

A loud knock on the door startles me awake. I groan while rubbing my eyes, and I open the door. Corey has Joey slumped around his arm. Joeys face is more pale then usual. His black and red hair stuck to his face from sweat.

"What happen?" I help him get Joey over to the bed.

"He drank WAYY too much, and is awfully sick. He threw up like ten times on the way here."

"It wasn't ten times..more like 5."

"Yeah but still felt like ten times." Corey rolls his eyes and leaves the room.

"Aw I told you not too drunk to much." I grab a bowl out of the kitchen and bring it over to him.

"I know hon." He says quietly.

"Anything you want me to do?"

"Water." I get up and grab him a glass of water.

"Oop." He walks into the bathroom covering his mouth. I set down the water and go in with him. He's slouched over the toilet, gripping onto the sides of it. I sit behind him and pull his hair back away from his face. I run my fingers through it and rub his back.

"God I feel like fucking shit."

"Yeah I can tell." I lean over and kiss his shoulder. "That was a lot." I mumble. He leans his head back so the back of his head is against my forehead.

"Thank you." He whispers.


"For taking care of me. You didn't have to hold my hair back sweetheart."

I shrug. "It's my job. You do it for me, I'll do it for you."

I have him lay down in bed, the bowl right in the middle. I grab some anti-nausea pills along with some crackers.

"Here take this. Don't drink too much water right now though it'll make you more sick."

He nods and takes the stuff from my hands. I sit down beside him. He takes the stuff and then moves the bowl onto the nightstand and lays his head down on my chest. I wrap two arms around him and he closes his eyes soon falling asleep like that.

I hope this is what you wanted!

Joey Jordinson Imagine BookHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin