Joey Jordinson Part 4

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I follow Jerodie back into my room, and shut the door quietly behind me.

"Hey I'm in a rush I can-." I cut him off.

"That's not why I'm in here.. I think we should uh take a break from eachother." I cross my arms.

"What. Why?"

I shrug. "I don't know, I've been losing feelings for you."

"Is this because of him?" He points over at the door.

I shake my head. "I've been debating on this for months now." I half way lie. I did think about breaking up with him before. (Since he cheated on me) but I decided I wanted to make it work.

"Uh-huh sure. I'm gonna go kick his fucking ass." He tries to shove past me. But I quickly get infront of the door and put my hands out shoving him back with my palms.

"Fuck you no your not. I literally just said it's not because of him."

"Don't fucking put your hands on me!" He raises his voice.

"Bitch! You did it first!"

"Your the one cheating on me!"

"I'm not! I've said that." I stick up two fingers. "Twice now."

"Your a damn liar. Now move out of the way."

"Seriously if you put a freaking hand on him, I will spider monkey jump on your back and choke you out."

"Does he need a protection from his little girlfriend?" He mocks. I move out of the way to let him out.

He shoves past me, shoulder checking me in the process. It takes everything out of me to not kick the back of his knees. I walk behind him. Joey comes walking out of the bathroom.

Jerodie turns to face him. "It's taking every thing out of me to not sock you in the fucking mouth." He points at Joey.

Joey gives him a dirty look. "Fucking do it then."

"You guys stop. Jerodie please leave."

"Better watch your back." Jerodie mumbles and leaves my place. Honestly I'm surprised and a bit disappointed I didn't get to jump on his back.

"You okay?" Joey comes over and wraps his arms around me. I wrap my arms around his waist. I look at him, and nod.

I smile. "Of course."

"Did you break up with him?" He kisses my forehead.

"Yep. As you can tell he didn't take it too well."

"Yeah." He chuckles slightly, "Wanna lay down and watch a movie with me?"

"Yes! Let me go turn the shower water off. I'm sure it's freezing cold by now."

"I'll find us a movie." He goes and gets under the covers. I go into the bathroom and shut the water off.

"What movie are you thinking?" I ask.

"Something horror of course."

"I'll go grab my VHS." I pull a tote out of a cabinet in the kitchen, (again I don't have much storage) "Okay, so I've got. The Return Of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Misery, Halloween, Leather Face, Freddy's Dead-."

"How about that one."

"Okay." I nod and set it out putting the tote back. I walk into the living room and eject the VHS that was in the VHS player and put in Freddy's Dead.

Before pressing play we decided to make some popcorn and grab a few sodas.

He lays back down on the couch, leaving a little bit of room for me. I climb over him and turn my back to the cushions, and putting my head on his chest. He wraps both his arms around me. We barley got halfway through the movie before getting distracted by each other.

This is the final one I think! Please request I'm all out of ideas.
Also sorry it's kinda rushed, but I woulda made it way longer if it was an actual Story!

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