Joey Jordinson: Date 2

417 6 71

Oh I also wanted too add this is set in 2008, hes 33 and you are 24.
Outfit is above 👆🏻 Oh also I decided what I wanted to do for 1k views on my's in this chapter! Again I didn't proof read this, so please look out for it.

Your POV:

I scream the lyrics to Aerials by System Of A Down while I finish up my makeup. He texted me and told me he has a few different plans so I'm super excited too see what that is.

I've been volunteering at the shelter with Joey for about a year and a half. Before, I got too meet him I had seen some of his interviews. Always thought he was a really cool dude. He's also an amazing drummer, probably one of the best.

Getting too know him, he's one of the sweetest guys I've ever met. Each time that we are there together, he'll bring me lunch. I've told him numerous times he does not need too but he insists. We've only hung out a few times out of the shelter though. At a Christmas party, and we caught a movie together one time.

I stand in front of my stand-up mirror and look at my outfit. It's nothing fancy, but it's also not like too casual?

I hear a knock on the door. I smile and finish tying my shoes. I open the door, and there stands Joey holding a bouquet of flowers.

 I open the door, and there stands Joey holding a bouquet of flowers

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(That's what he looks like)

"Here these are for you." He smiles and hands me the flowers.

"Thank you very much." I lean over and kiss his cheek. "Here come in." I step back and smell the flowers while he walks in, "I'm gonna go put this in water."

"You look very nice." He smiles.

I grab out a small vase. "Oh, thank you. I didn't wanna go too fancy ya know?"

"Yeah that's good." He nods.

Oh good. The two of us leave my house, and walk out the car. He opened and shut my door for me. We pull  up to a restaurant that I've never been too.

"I don't know if they are any good, but I've heard they are." Joey turns his car off.

"That's okay, I'm sure they are."

He tells me not too get out yet.. I watch him run over to my side, and he opens the door.

"That's why you said too wait." I chuckle.

We go inside and they have us sit in the waiting area.

"Since it's a nice night, do you wanna sit outside? They have fires at the table." Joey wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"That sounds nice. There's also a pretty view of the beach so." I smile at him. He leans over and kisses my head. I rest my hand on his leg.

After a wait of about seven minutes, the guy comes over and takes us too a table outside. They have it set up under a gazebo, on the sand. Lights hang up from the ceiling, each of the tables have a pretty wood chair with a white table cloth on it. Candles sit in the middle of each table.

"Oh it's super pretty out here." He pulls the chair out for me.

"Not as pretty as you."

I roll my eyes. The waiter comes over, and we order our drinks. Joey got wine, and I got a margarita.

"So did you get those cats?" I look up from my menu.

"I told the shelter that I'll take them. They have them on hold for me, and I'll pick them up when I go in again."

"Nice, those kitties were so sweet." I look through my menu.

"You'll definitely have to come over and see them." He smirks at me.

"Oh yeah." I nod. "Just for the kittens."

"I don't blame you honestly."

"What are you gonna get?" I ask.

"I'm uh thinking the steak. What about you?"

"The seafood Alfredo, with grilled asparagus."

"That sounds good."

"Are you guys ready to order?" The waiter asks, smiling at the two of us.

"Go head babe."

I get a bit flustered, I can feel my cheeks go pink.
"Um. I'll get the seas food alfredo, with grilled asparagus."

"Alright and for you sir?"

"I'll just get the steak, medium rare. With mashed potatoes and asparagus as well."

"Okay, I will go get that started for you guys."

We make conversation with each-other while we wait. We already know a lot about each-other, so we don't need too talk about our selves too much.

"Thanks for coming out with me." He takes a sip of his wine.

"You don't need to thank me for that Joey. Look, I've liked you for a while. So you don't understand how happy I was when you asked me out."

"I do too y/n. The first time we met I was instantly hooked on you. I've been wanting to ask you out for so long."

"Why didn't you then?" I take a sip of my drink.

"I was worried it would ruin our friendship."

I shake my head. "I understand, it definitely wouldn't have though."

We ate our food, and decided to take a walk on the beach. I stuff my hands in my sweater, and we walk shoulder to shoulder.

 I stuff my hands in my sweater, and we walk shoulder to shoulder

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"I've never walked the beach at night." Joey looks at me.

"Really? I did one time with some friends. We camped out actually."

"That sounds like fun, super cold though."

"It is." I nod, "Absolutely freezing, but it's worth it. Sitting around the fire you made on the beach with all waves splashing around you."

"Well, I know what our next date is gonna be." He smiles at me, and bumps my hand with his. I hold his hand, but I quickly put them in my pocket.

"Sorry it's way too cold." He squeezes my hand.

"Your all good." He rubs my hand with his thumb.

As we're walking, we come up too a few logs so we decided to sit down on them. They are close, but not too close to the ocean.

Okay, so I decided to make this into three parts because I don't want this too be too long of a chapter ya know? I'll be working on it as soon as I publish it.

Also am I the only one that absolutely hates the beach?

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