Secrets Part 2

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All of us, other than Chris are all gathered around in the living room watching a movie. It's 3 in the morning, and we're about an hour away from our hotel. I have my leg's extended over Joeys lap. He holds onto my feet with his hands (I have socks on)

Mick is sitting right beside me, giving Joey a strange look.

"Why are you grabbing her feet?" Mick crosses his arms.

Joey shrugs, looking at my feet and them up at Mick. "Didn't even realize I was doing it." He let's go of my feet and rest his hands on my calves.

"Will you guys just get together already?" Chris says from behind us, making us all jump since he was just asleep.

We look over at Chris and Mick speaks up.

"Joey knows better than too date my sister."

Joey nods quickly while smiling. "Mhm."

"I ship it." Corey stands up and walks over to the fridge.

"I agree man." Paul speaks up (Paul also knows) "You can't control everything she does Mick."

Mick snaps his head over at Paul. "Yes I can the fuck."

"Mick." I look at him. "Please shut the fuck up."

"And what's with you guys laying in the same bunks almost every night?" Mick crosses his arms.

"Dude they are just really close." Paul says for us.

"I don't sleep in the same bed as my friends of the opposite gender that I'm close too."

"We'll that's you Mick. We've been friends for a long ass time. It's the only time we get any time to be alone together and talk in private. There's some things that we don't want you guys to know. Okay? Nothing weird is going on Mick. Your being weird about it man." Joey turns his attention back to the Tv.

I bite the inside of my cheek, I feel bad for lying but you see how Mick is being. We can't tell anyone just yet. Well I mean, we can tell the other guys just not Mick. But we won't risk it, because I know for sure Craig and Paul's loyalty lies with us.

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