Joey Prom: The letter

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Joey ended up sleeping over that night. No nothing happened, we just cuddled all night. He left around noon so he could go help his family with their business. Then he has to go to work at night.

I remembered he had written me a letter, so I made my self some tea and layed in my bed to read it.

" Dear Y/n, (please excuse my messy handwriting.)

If you're reading this that means you said yes to going to prom with me. I was so nervous to ask you, you don't even know. I've been contemplating this for so long y/n.

You mean so much to me. Your the stick to my drums. The guitar to my drums, we need each-other. I need you. So many times the thought of ending it all crossed my mind, but I thought of you. How I never got to tell you how I felt about you. I knew it would break you. I couldn't do that too you.

I love so many things about you y/n, Like your hair is a beautiful Silk Road. Your eyes, god I could get lost in them. They tell a story, your story. Your smile is brighter than the sun, your laugh is a melody to my ears, that no one else could make. You soft milky skin, I just wanna touch it all day. The way you dramatically move your hands around when telling a story, or the weird facial expressions you make. I love it all. I can't live with out you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know we are young, but I truly believe we are soulmates.

I love you y/n and I hope you feel the same way about me.

🖤 Joey. "

I smile to my self and feel a single tear roll down my face. I love this man.

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