Joey Jordinson

679 11 79

Why tf do their arms look like that 😭

Joey and I walk down the hall hand in hand. We stop and lean against the wall, Joey stands infront if me, pinning his arms around me.

"I'm so tired." He leans his big forehead onto my shoulder. I rub his back.

"I bet." He had just gotten done performing with his band, Murderdolls. I twirl the chain on his jeans around my finger.

He yawns and kisses my cheek.

"Hey man!" Corey yells from down the hall. Joey pulls away from me and looks at Corey.

"Oh hey!" He smiles.

Corey walks over to us. "Hey Y/n." He gives me a side hug, his big ass neck pressing against my head. Joey leans on the wall, and lets his hand rest on it. Corey leans against the other one. I just stay where I'm at.

"You guys were fucking awesome Joey!"

"Thank you!"

They talk about Slipknot and the plans for the tour coming up. I get bored so I bury my face in Joeys chest and wrap my arms around him. He wraps his arms around me too, but he continues talking with Corey. He messes with a piece of my hair. I reach down and pinch his butt, making him jump.

"What the fuck man you good?" Corey asks, and I laugh.

"Yes." Joey looks down at me, so I smile big. He glared at me.

"I'm hungry." I mumble against his chest.

He rubs my back. "One sec love."

They talk for a few more minutes.

"Alright man, we'll I should probably let you go." I pull away from Joey, so Corey can give him a hug.

"It was nice seeing you." I smile, and hug Corey as well.

"Your coming on the tour with us right?" Corey pats my shoulder.

"Yep that's the plan." I smile.

"Okay see you guys then!" Corey walks away.

Joey turns his attention back on me. "What do you want too eat?"

I shrug. "Taco bell sounds really good."

"Let's go get Taco Bell then." He pecks me on the lips and we leave to go get our food.

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