Joey Jordinson: Best Friends

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I sit in the chair of my hotel room, flipping through the menu trying to decide what I want to eat. The loud crash from the show on the TV catches my attention. I stare at it for a second before looking out the window to see if Joey is here yet.

I notice him walking up towards the doors of the office, so I quickly grab my camera and take a picture of him.

The flash had caused him to look up earning a smile from him. He sticks his fingers up and makes the devils horns, for me. So I take another picture of him.

Joey and I have been friends since high school. He's really one of my only friends. I've always been super shy and quiet, while he is the complete opposite of me so he was able to make us friends.

He invited me to go on tour with him and Slipknot. 9/10 times I go with them on tours. I've only turned down the invitation twice. The first time was because my ex wasn't comfortable with it, and the second time was because I had the flu. I ended up going with though for the last two months of it. I love going on tour with them. I love seeing the world.

It also gives me an excuse to be around Joey.
I've had a crush on him for the past year. Something inside me changed and I look at him completely different than I did before.

When I heard the song Vermilion it made me sad. Because as much as I hope, I know it wasn't written for me.

The hotel door opens and Joey walks in with a couple beers in his hand.

"Hey can I see those pics?" He smirks at me and hands me a beer.

I make a sound in the back of my throat and hand him the camera.

"I look hot don't I?" That's the thing with us. We always flirt back and forth with eachother.

"Oh yes. Very much so." I open up the beer bottle.

"What are you looking at?" He leans over me from behind the chair.

I gulp slightly, his cheek pretty much against mine.
"Food.. I'm uh hungry."

Joey turns his head and looks at me. "Are you nervous y/n?" He lowers one eye brow.

"I- what? Why would I be nervous?"

"Do I make you nervous?" He tucks a piece of hair behind my ear.

I laugh and roll my eyes ignoring him. This is just something that we do with each-other. He dosent mean anything of it.

I look back down at the menu, but Joey quickly grabs it out of my hands and sets it down on the bed.

I turn my head and look at him. Our eyes locking together. God I could just get lost in his eyes they are so- my thoughts are cut off my his two fingers going up to my jaw and under my chin.


"Shh." He shushes me and licks his lips.

He has to be messing with me. With his other hand he re-tucks my hair behind my ear.

"Your so pretty y/n." He says quietly.

My eyes widen. "Oh um you too." What the fuck did I just say.

He chuckles and moves his body so he's standing infront of me, but never breaking eye contact with me.

"Do you know how long I've been wanting to kiss you?" He leans closer into my face his lips practically touching mine.

I smirk at him. "Do you know how long I've wanted to kiss you?" I ask back.

After that he leans forward and hair and locks his lips with mine. His lips are nice and soft, like he just put on some chapstick. I can practically taste the beer he was just drinking.

The kiss only last a few seconds before he pulls away and leans his (gigantic) forehead on mine. I flutter my eyes open quickly seeing his are still closed so I close mine.

"I've wanted to do that for so long y/n."

I smile. "Me too Joey. A really long time."

"Do you wanna lay down and watch a movie?" He asks me. We both open our eyes. I peck him on the lips.

"Yes of course.. but after I order my food. I am STARVING."

Joey laughs and moves away from me. Grabbing my hands and practically yanks me up out of the chair by my arms. We order some food and lay down on the bed, holding each other while watching The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Sorry this coulda been better but it's late so that's all I can come up with lmao! Hope you enjoyed and I'm sorry about the last chapter 🧌
Also I didn't proof read this one!

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