Joey Pt 2

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Joey and I sit in awkward silence, nothing but the quiet sound of System of a Down playing over the radio. I look out my window, nervously fiddling my hands in my lap.

"I like this song." I say, trying to make it less awkward.

"Dreaming? Oh yeah me too. It's one of my favorites off of Hypnotize. You like system?" Joey glances at me, and then back at the road.

I nod. "Mhm. Been listening to them since they came out."

"What's your all time favorite song from them?" He grips onto the steering wheel.

"Oh god I don't know." I shake my head. "I like every single one of their songs."

"Alright what about top five favorites from them." Joey holds up five fingers.

"Um I guess..Aerials, Needles, Dreaming, Sugar and....Spiders." I lick my lips.

"Awesome. Those are great songs."

"What about you Joey?"

"She's Like Herioin, Forest, Chop Suey, Mr.Jack and Cigaro."

I nod and smile. "I really wanna see them in concert."

"Hey they're playing here in May. Do you maybe wanna go with me? I'll be ordering the tickets probably next week."

"Hell yeah! I'd love to go with you Joey. I'll give you the money at practice." I scratch my arm.

"Nah don't worry about it." He puts a hand up.

"I am NOT letting you pay for my ticket. No way Joey." I chuckle slightly. He really thought I would let him but my ticket to a concert?

"Yes I am and you can't do anything about it y/n."

"I'm gonna give you the money on Sunday. Just tell me which ones you get."

"I'll tell you I got the cheapest one, so you give me less money..which I'll just sneak back into your bag."

"I'm not gonna argue with you on this anymore. I'll give you the money one way or another. Even if you know it or not." I shrug.

"Well now I'll know who it was if i randomly get a stack of cash in my house."

"Hey could be someone else." I put my hands up in defense.

We pull up infront of my house. Joey parks in the driveway.

"Do you wanna come inside? Have a cup of coffee or something with me." I offer.

"Sure why not." He takes his keys out of the car, and stuffs it in his pocket.

We get out of the car, and walk up to my house. I pull my bag off my shoulder, and fish around for my house keys. I finally find them after searching for what felt like forever; I put it in the lock of the door and push open the door. I step inside, with Joey right on my heels.

I step to the side and click on the light for the living room and take my shoes off.

"Oh should I take my-" He points down at his shoes.

"Don't worry about it." I smile and walk into the kitchen. He kicks off his shoes and follows me into the kitchen.

"What do you like in yours?" I put in the coffee stuff and start to brew a pot.

"Oh any creamer you have is fine." He twist his ring around his finger.

I nod and pull down two mugs. I fill them each about half way and pour some creamer in them.

"Careful it's hot." I sit it down infront of him.

"Thank you very much dear." He grabs the cup, blows on it softly and takes a sip, "Ouch very hot."

"Yep." I laugh, "That's what I said."

He shrugs. "See, I assumed it wouldn't be hot for me just because..well I'm me."

"Well I was right." I smirk.

"Tours gonna be a lot of fun with you." Joey goes to take another sip of his coffee.

"I'm super excited! When do you guys think you'll go on tour for this next album?"

"Well probably next year, since it's the beginning of the year we'll record most of this year. Then we'll release the album probably this year. After that we wait about another year and then we go on tour for that album."

"Oh okay." I nod, "So it'll be a little while."

"Yep." He nods, "but it's so worth the wait. Going and seeing all those people who paid to see you perform their favorite music. It's something else, seeing the people who made you who you are."

I nod and smile, staring him in the eyes.

"God your eyes are so pretty." I say quietly.

He smiles slightly. "So are yours y/n."

I bit the inside of my cheek. Joey sets his cup down and leans closer too me.

"Can I ask you something?" He furrows an eyebrow.

"Sure, what's up?" I give him a warm smile.

"Can I kiss you?"

My mouth drapes open a little bit. Did he just ask me that? Did he actually. Am I dreaming? Don't pinch me.

"I'm sorry." He quickly backs up from me and stands up, "We literally just met a few hours ago and here I am asking you if I can kiss you! We don't even know eachother, all we've talked about is Slipknot and System of a Down.. I'm really sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. Your just, so pretty, and sweet..and I couldn't help my se-."

"Joey stop." I stand up. He shuts his mouth and nods. I step closer to him and cup his face with my hands, "I appreciate you asking me..yes you may kiss me."

His cheeks turn a soft pink. It's nice to see a little bit of color (other than black) on his skin. "Are you sure? We just me-."

"I don't give a shit." I shake my head, "I want you to kiss me Joey."

I feel his hands move down to my waist. We make eye contact for a second, before we each close our eyes and lean into eachother. I keep my hands on his face while we kiss. It was a nice kiss. His lips are very soft, he starts off with kissing me gently but eventually it gets more heated. Things ended with us in my bedroom.
Thank you for reading! Should I make a part 3...with a bit of smut? What do you guys think. I'm sure ik what y'all with say though🤭

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