Joey Pt 2

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Joey and I stare at eachother. He clutches the bottle in his hand. He looks at me, the bottle, and then me again. He sighs and grabs the lid and puts it on the bottle.

"Do you want some water?" I ask quietly.

He nods, putting his head down. I stand up and go downstairs and into the kitchen. I grab a glass cup out of the cabinet and take it over to the fridge, filling it close to the brim. I grab my self some Tylenol since my head is pounding. Then I take the cup upstairs to Joey.

"Here." I hand it too him, he looks up for a second his eyes are red and puffy. His cheeks are tear stained. He looks away from me quickly and drinks some of his water. I sigh, and sit down on the chair that's in our room. I fold my hands on my lap.

We sit there in silence for a few minutes.

"Can I hold you?" He stares at his hands.

"No." I shake my head.

"Why not?" His voice is unsteady because he's still crying.

"I'm upset with you Joey. I give in every time too you."

"Are you gonna leave me?"

I cross my legs and think. Am I gonna leave him? He looks up at me, pulling the pieces of hair off him.

"Are you?"

I look him in the eyes. "No, but I don't feel like talking to you right now."

He nods. "I understand. As long as you don't leave me. I'll give you all the space you want."

I nod holding onto my knees.

"I'll sleep in the guest room tonight." He stands up, nearly tripping over his legs. He sets his water down and changes into his pajamas. He picks up the whiskey bottle and stands in-front of me.

"Here." He hands it too me and then leaves the room. I stare at the nearly empty bottle. (He got this two days ago) I pop off the bottle and smell it.

"Ew." I put it up to my mouth and take a sip of it. "Blech." I cough, good god how can he drink this shit. I put it in our closet on the top shelf.

I shut off the light and crawl into bed, crying my self too sleep out of anger and frustration.

I wake up to an empty bed. I get up out of bed and put on my slippers plus a hoodie since the house is always super cold in the mornings. I open the door and look down the hall. The guest door is open, and Joey isn't in there. I go downstairs and see him making breakfast.

"Good morning." He stirs the batter.

I just give him a half smile and pour my self a cup of coffee.

"How'd you sleep?" He asks.

"Okay I guess." I shrug and pour some creamer in my coffee.

I hear him sigh and he throws some bacon in the pan.

Ouch I say mentally as some grease pops me. I take my drink and go into the living room. I pull my phone out of my pocket and go onto Facebook.

Not long later Joey comes into the living room with a plate off food. "Here." He hands it too me with a napkin and fork.

"Thanks." I take the plate and set it down on my lap. He walks away, and I try a bite of the waffles he made. He never makes food, so I didn't realize how good of a cook he is. He comes back in the living room with his own plate.

"Um." Joey finishes swallowing his food. "I'm really sorry about last night."

I nod.

"I'm gonna work on it. I promise. I won't completely quit, but I'll get help with managing how much I drink."

"Yeah I don't expect you too give it up completely. I like to have some drinks with you. You just really need to learn how to stop."

"I know." He nods and pushes his hair behind his ear. "I'm gonna. Will you help me? Please, I don't know how too."

"What do you want me too do?"

"I don't know." He shrugs. "Fucking pour up some, give it too me and then lock it all away. I don't know."

"I can figure something out." I say and take a bite of the eggs.

"I'm really sorry for putting my hands on you." He sits down beside me.

I shake my head. "I shoved first."

"Yeah, but I'm a guy I shouldn't have shoved you..especially with how hard I did it."

"It's okay." I give him a soft smile, knowing that I can't argue with him on this.

He leans his head on my shoulder, and wraps one of his arms around my waist. I tilt my head slightly, so my cheek is pushed up against the top of his head. I set the plate of food down on the coffee table and turn my body too him. I open my arms up, and he puts his face on my collarbone and wraps his arms around me. I rest my chin on the top of his head. He grabs my legs and pulls me onto his lap, not moving his head. He places a soft kiss on my collarbone.

"I'll get you help Joey. We can figure this out together."

Sorry I'm horrid at ending this 😭 also I don't feel like proof reading rn, so please fix anything in the comments.

Joey Jordinson Imagine BookTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang