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This was requested by KN0TSLIP

I hope this is what you wanted! Let me know if you want me to change anything!

"Hey Joey do you wanna go down to the skate park?" I ask plopping down next to him on his bed.

He shrugs his shoulders.

"I'll buy you a slurpee from 7-11." I smile.

"Fine." He gets up and puts his vans on.

I smile and grab a sweater. We leave his room, and I make him carry my skateboard till we get outside. He hands it to me and I set it down on the road. Joey gives me his hand and pulls me the whole way there. This is something I make him do everytime. Before we started dating, we had this small rope that I would hold onto and he'd pull me like that.

We stop a 7-11 and get Joey his drink. He got the biggest size they have, which is crazy its only 99 cents since its so huge. After I pay for his drink we continue on our journey to the skate park.

"Ow this is cold. Will you hold onto it for me?" Joey stops us.

"Sure." I take the drink from him with my left hand. He lets go of me, so I put my foot down so I dont go rolling. He rubs his hands on his legs really fast to warm them up. After he warms his hands up, he takes mine in his and pecks me on the lips before he slowly walks to the park.

We get there and surprisingly no one else is there. I hop off and pick up my board. We walk over and I drop it down and while its rolling I hop onto it which I just recently mastered.

I move the board around with my feet, making my way up to the top of the ramps, and back down. Doing a small trick at the top. I do that for a few more times and turn the board over to Joey. He says something, but I couldn't make out what he was saying so I smile and nod. Joey stands up and walks to the bathroom.

Next thing I know I'm on the fucking ground, laying on my side.

"Ow son of a bitch!" I yell and groan out, grabbing onto my wrist. It begins swelling, and bruising instantly.  I watch as the bruises form, a few tears fall from my eyes and hit the ground staining the cement. I dry my eyes and get up to chase after my board holding onto my arm. I put my foot on the top of it and kick it towards Joey since he's walking out of the bathroom. He stops it with his foot.

"What's wrong?" He hollers.

I get closer to him and show him my arm. "I think I broke my wrist."

"Shit. Fuck yeah you did. Here the ER is just over there, let's walk over there."

"No let's just get some gauze and wrap it."

"Fuck that," Joey shakes his head, and grabs onto my other arm, and practically drags me there.

We walk into the entrance of the ER.

"Joey we really don't need to be here. It's gonna be fucking expensive."

Joey shrugs and walks up to the receptionist.

"Hi, my girlfriend here broke her wrist while riding her skateboard." He points at my left arm.

"Alright, you'll have to fill this out." She hands me a clipboard with paper on it, "Is there a parent we can call?"

I shake my head. "They're at work."

"Okay, well I'll still give them a call." She says in a snotty voice.

"Fine." I give her my mom's information. She calls but gets no answer.

Joey and I go sit down in the chair so I can fill out the paperwork. Joey takes it back up to her so I don't have to get up.

ERs always take hours. There's literally no one here and we've been sitting in the lobby for an hour.

"Y/l/n." The nurse calls out.

Joey and I get up and follow her down the hall.

"I'll have you step on the scale, but leave your shoes on. It's an emergency room so it's not the cleanest." She laughs.

I step up in the scale and she writes down my weight.

"Follow me to this room." She motions at the room across the hall.

We go in and I sit down on the bed. Joey sits down in the chair. She has me do some X rays.

"Yep your wrist is intact broken." She shows me the pictures.

"Yeah I figured since it looks like the bone is sticking out of place." I refrain from rolling my eyes.

She grabs the things she needs to wrap my wrist, and puts it in a sling. "I'm also gonna write of a prescription for the pain since you made it clear you were in a lot of pain. It should be ready by four, and it looks like your insurance does cover it."

"What about this whole visit?" I ask, "Is this whole thing covered."

"You'll have to ask the lady in the front."

She yaps our ears off for a bit and let's us leave. Joey wraps his arm around my shoulder as we walk.

"Do you wanna go get ice cream?"

I laugh. "Yeah sure."

"Where from?"

"I don't care Joey, you choose." I smile at him.

"To Dairy Queen it is." He kisses my cheek.

'I'm gonna marry this man' I think to my self.

It was really hard for me to not write "and that's how my addiction to pills started" 😭🤚🏻

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this!

Joey Jordinson Imagine Bookजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें