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Joey's Pov:

I sit down on the bar stool at the counter, pouring myself  another glass of whiskey. The once full bottle, it is now half way empty. My girlfriend, y/n comes walking out of the pantry. She looks at me, and shakes her head with a sigh.

"You're gonna kill your self."

"Fuck off." I mumble, taking the whiskey like a shot practically and pour my self another glass.

"What's wrong? Why are you drinking so much?" She leans her arms on the counter.

"Nothing's wrong."

"Joey." She says softly.

"I said nothing is wrong." I pour another glass. As I bring it up to my lips, she smacks the glass out of my hands. The whiskey spills all over the counter, and the glass makes a "ting" sound as it hits the ground.

"WHAT THE FUCK Y/N?!" I stand up dramatically, kicking the stool out from behind me.

"You've had enough."


I go to grab the bottle, but she's quicker and grabs it and puts it behind her back. I walk up to her, and try to grab it but she jerks her body away. She backs up, and her lower back hits the counter. But she still holds the bottle behind her.

"Give it to me." I say in a low voice..

"I said, you've had enough." Still as calm as she can be.

"GOD DAMN IT Y/N!" I dramatically spin around, and grab a glass bottle off the counter and throw it on the ground, "FUCKING GIVE IT TO ME!"

"Go to bed Joey."

I turn around quickly, and grab her by the shoulders. I dig by fingers into her shoulders.

"Get the fuck off me." She tries shaking her shoulders out of my hands.

"Give me-me the bottle."

"Go fuck your self. You're gonna fucking kill your self, you take another drink and it's gonna send you to the hospital."

I get close to her face, "You think I fucking care? You think I care if it kills me?"

She glares at me and doesn't do anything.

"GIVE ME THE GOD DAMN FUCKING BOTTLE!" I scream. She squints, and moves her face away. After a second, she looks back up at me. Her eyes fill with tears, and her lip quivers.

"Fine." She whispers, "Here." She slams the bottle against my chest, "Be like my dad and kill your self with it. I don't give a fucking shit." She slams her shoulder into mine, nearly knocking me over because of how much I drank.

Something washes over me, and I can't think straight. I grab her shoulders, and spin her around then slam her against the wall. Seeing red, I ball up my first and swing my arm up. She knees me in the stomach, and makes me drop her on the ground. She falls on her ass, so I get down to pin her but she kicks me in the knee and gets up quickly.


"YOU- YOU'RE A FUCKING BITCH I FUCKI-FUCKING HATE YOU!" I grab the whiskey bottle and huck it at her. 

She puts her arms up against her face, and it hits her arms. Then falls to the ground shattering.

"Look, you wasted your shit." She points at the puddle of alcohol. 

I look up at her, tears filling my eyes.

"No Joey. Go fuck your self." She turns around and goes up sitars.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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