How He 💕

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Since I don't have any ideas rn I'm just gonna make up a few of these.

How Joey takes care of you while your sick:

•He buys your favorite food.
•He gives you a back rub.
•He'll brush and braid your hair since you won't do it while your sick.
•He goes out and grabs you your favorite dessert.
•If he can, he'll lay in bed with you and watch movies.
•He plays the guitar.

How you take care of Joey when he's sick:
• You make him food, mostly soups but usually what ever he wants.
•You give him a foot rub.
•You brush his hair out for him, and put it in a ponytail usually.
• He likes it when you just let him lay his head on your lap, and run your fingers through his hair.
• You make sure he takes all the medication he needs.
• You guys take a bath together.
• You make him tea.

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