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Part one
"Are you sure this is the right place?" My mom asks while staring at the small house next too us.

"Yes mom! That's what Sid told me." Sid Wilson, number zero in a band called Slipknot is my cousin.

"Okay, well hopefully they let you join the band."

"Yeah, I mean.. I auditioned last week and now they are having me come in and talk with them."

"Either you got it or since Sid is family he would rather talk in person since we're family."

I roll my eyes. "Wish me luck." I get out of the car and walk up the driveway. I open up the gate and lock it behind me. I pull open the screen door and wave at my mom while she drives away. I knock on the door three times. I cross my arms and wait.

After a few seconds of waiting, I hear the top chain of the lock open. The other locks unlock, and the door flings open.

"Heyy!" Sid pulls me into a hug.

"Hey!" I say muffled against his chest. He pulls away and puts his hands on my shoulder, walking me through out the house. We go into the garage (which smells like crusty men and alcohol) where everyone is at.

"Oh hey, by the way that's Joey. He wasn't here last time." Sid points.

I give him a small wave. Joey just flicks his head up at me.

"And that's Craig."

Craig doesn't say anything, he just shakes my hand and sits back down.

'Okay..' I think to my self.

"Hey y/n!" Corey comes over and gives me a side hug.

"Hi." I smile at him.

"Let's go inside and talk."

"Okay." I look over at Sid and he smiles giving me two thumbs up.

I follow Corey inside and sit down at the table across from eachother. The garage door opens again. I expect to see Sid, but its actually Joey. I smile at him.

"Want one?" He holds up a can of diet Dr Pepper.

"Sure." I smile. He sits down beside Corey and slides it over too me, "Thank you."

"Of course." He opens his, I pull mine into my chest and hold it.

"How are you Joey?" I ask.

"I'm  pretty pretty good, thanks for asking... oh! Um how are you?"

"I'm doing good." I smile.

"That's good." Joey takes a sip of his soda.

"So y/n." Corey says randomly, "The band and I have done a lot of talking.. well more like we talked about it for ten minutes and showed Joey the video of you playing. We came up with a decision." Corey leans back in his chair.

"Mhm." I nod.

"You're in!" He smiles.

"What? Really?!" I smile big.

"Yep! We all agreed you're badass at guitar and we want you to play with us." Joey says.

"We have some paperwork you'll need to sign first. We have all the songs for our next album written up already so now we just have to record." Corey pushes the papers and a pen over to me.

"Okay, thank you."

The three of us talk for a while while I sign the papers.

"Alright you guys, I'm gonna head out." I hand the stuff to Corey.

"Do you need a ride?" Joey pushes his hair out of his face.

"Oh no, I don't wanna cause you any tr-."

Joey interrupts me, "Its no big deal! I'm leaving too anyways. I can take you home."

"Okay sure then thank you."

We say our goodbyes and walk to Joeys car. I tell him how to get to my house and we leave.

I didn't proof read, so please point out any mistakes you see.

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