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"Jesus Christ, will you stop already, you're messing up my game." Garrett's voice barked out from where he was parked on the couch, eyes fixed on the tv.

You spent the whole morning cleaning like a madwoman because Garrett's dad was coming for a visit, and it was going to be the first time you would meet him. To say you were nervous was an understatement. You just wish that Garrett cared as much about making a good impression as you did.

"When was the last time you saw your dad?" you asked, pausing on your way with an armful of linens for the guest bedroom. Garrett's shoulder jerked. "I don't fucking know, babe, couple of years. We don't really get on. All I really care about is that he keeps sending money."

"If you don't get along, why did you invite him to visit?"

"Because Ma expects me to play nice sometimes," he answered. "Now do you mind; I'm trying to concentrate."


You were in the hallway on the way to the bedroom when there was a knock on the door. Nerves jumped into your throat, but you detoured back to open the door. The man standing on the doormat was not at all you were expecting. Tall, broad chested, dark hair, a strong shadowed jaw and steely blue eyes that seemed to see right through you. He looked nothing like your boyfriend.

"You're definitely not Garrett."

Free hand jumping to your throat, you shook your head. "Um, no. I'm um–his girlfriend."

Bucky studied you, eyes taking in every detail. Rose hadn't said anything about Garrett living with a girl. Briefly, he wondered if she knew. Tucking his hands into the pockets of his pants, he waited for you to invite him in.

Normally, he disliked waiting, but being able to get a nice long look at you made this wait worthwhile. You were pretty, extremely pretty, in fact. Standing there, chewing on your bottom lip and hugging an armful of bedding to your chest, you radiated nervous energy.

Bucky heard Garrett call out from deep in the apartment. "Who the hell is at the door?"

As if the shout had broken whatever spell you were under, you took a hasty step back and said, "I'm sorry, please, come on in Mr. Barnes."

He stepped inside but before you could say anything else, Garrett came around the corner. "I asked who was at–Dad."


Garrett glanced at you and said, "Weren't you doing something?"

"Oh, um, yeah, I was just finishing making up the guest room for you Mr. Barnes." You flushed and hurried down the hall, disappearing into one of the rooms.

"So how long are you staying again?" Garrett asked.

"Just the weekend," Bucky answered.

"Awesome," Garrett said, his tone clearly displeased. "Well, make yourself at home or whatever."

Bucky followed him as he moved into the living room, sat down, picked up his controller and started playing again. Within minutes he was immersed back in whatever it was he was playing, ignoring the world. Rolling his eyes, he decided to check on you instead.

You were bent over the bed, tucking the corner of the duvet in, the dress you were wearing pulled high on your thighs with the move. The thought that you had an amazing ass flickered through his head as he leaned against the door frame. Straightening up and turning, you nearly leaped out of your skin when you caught sight of him.

"Oh my god."

He held his hands up. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

Your eyes darted over his shoulder. "Um, is there something you need Mr. Barnes?"

The Sharpest Lies [Bucky x ReaderxSteve]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ