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You're shoved roughly against the wall of the alley, the air pushing out of you, and stars exploding in your vision when your head hits it. Dazed, ears ringing, you struggle to catch your breath.

"There's the little slut."

Coughing, you squint at the man in front of you. "Garrett?"

"I'm surprised you even remember my name, babe," Garrett steps closer to you, the look on his face ugly. "Since you've been so busy whoring yourself to my father."

Tears sting your eyes, and you shake your head. "I'm not–that's not what happened."

The back of Garrett's hand connects with your cheek, and your vision goes grey at the edges when your head rams against the wall again. "That's exactly what happened."

Garrett steps into your space, shoving you back against the wall again and holding you there with his hand on your shoulder. "No wonder you were so anxious to meet him. And why you kept asking all those fucking questions about him. I bet you spread your legs for him the first opportunity you could, didn't you?"

"No," you croak, tears sliding down your cheeks. Your head and cheek were throbbing, and you taste blood from where your lip had split.

"How many times did you fuck him behind my back, huh?" Garrett's hand fisted in your hair and he raps your head against the wall again. "How many times did it take before you were able to convince him to fucking cut me off?"

"I didn't ask him to do that."

"Bullfuckingshit." You sag a little in his grip, nearly blacking out when your head hits the wall again. "You whored yourself to him, and stole what's rightfully mine."

You're beyond the ability to answer right now, the pain so bright it blots everything else out. Garrett yanks on your hair, heat flaring over your scalp and making you cry out. When his face comes within inches of yours, the scent of beer on his breath washes over you and has bile rising in your throat.

"I'm going to make you pay for this, bitch. Make you both pay for it." Dimly, you register the near glee in his voice as he says it.

Someone shouts and then Garrett's gone, you collapse to the ground, your legs giving out. There's a sharp cramp in your stomach giving you a second's warning so that you have just enough time to lean over and throw up what was left of breakfast in your system. Vision blurry with tears and pain, you're gasping by the time you finish.

"Awe, Jesus fucking hell."

You whimper and cringe away from the hand that touches your shoulder, not even noticing the glass that litters the ground slicing into your palms. The site of you cringing away from him, that you would be afraid he'd hurt you too, nearly breaks Steve's heart to pieces.

"Shh, it's just me sugar. I got you, you're safe now," Steve kept his voice low and even, reaching out to examine your bleeding palm before he pulled a hanky out of his palm and wrapping it around it to staunch the bleeding. Standing, he pulled his jacket off and bent to wrap it around your shoulders before scooping you up and holding you against your chest.

He didn't bother waiting for you to try to struggle up, instead, he scoops you up and holds you against his chest. As he approached the car, Sam's eyes widened and he pushed off the hood to hurry to open the back door.

Climbing into the vehicle, he settled you into his lap. The moment Sam's door closed he was pulling into traffic, not needing to be told where to go. Rage was bubbling in him, nearly choking him, as he fishes his phone out of his pocket and dials Bucky's number.

"Don't tell me you miss me already," Bucky says when he answers.

"You need to get to Banner's."

All humor in his voice disappeared as Bucky asks, "Why? What's wrong?"

The Sharpest Lies [Bucky x ReaderxSteve]Where stories live. Discover now