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Bucky finds you napping on the couch when he gets home, a soft quilt thrown over you. Over the past couple of days, fatigue had hit you hard. Which you'd both been told was completely normal and expected.

Sitting down on the edge of the couch, Bucky brushes his knuckles over your cheek and softly calls your name to wake you. You make a soft sleepy sound before your eyes flutter open and you smile at him. "Hi, daddy."

"Hey baby girl."

You look towards the clock and wince, realizing you'd been asleep for over two hours. "Damn. I'm sorry."

"For what?" Bucky asks, lifting your hand so he can press his lips against the palm.

"I was only gonna lay down for a few minutes. I had planned to make you supper tonight."

"That's okay. I'll just have one of my men pick something up for us." Bucky is already pulling his phone out to do just that as you sit up and push at your hair. It'd been a week and a half since you got the positive pregnancy results. You hadn't trusted the four home pregnancy tests, and insisted on going to get a blood test done.

Which came back positive, of course, and now it was a waiting game until your first appointment with a midwife. Which wouldn't occur for another five weeks. Slipping his phone back into his pocket, Bucky turns his attention back to you. "Did you take your vitamins today?"

"Yes, I did." you sit up and lean against his side when he shifts back on the the couch. "What did you order?"

"Italian. Any morning sickness? Or other symptoms they said you could expect?"

"I'm fine," you roll your eyes a little, equal parts amused and exasperated. "Are you gonna be like this for the whole pregnancy?"

"Absolutely, malishka," Bucky says without hesitation. "I want to be involved with every second of this with you."

"Hm," you hum, then lean in sniff at him. "Are you wearing something new?"


"You smell good," you mutter.

Bucky tips his head to give you the access you apparently want as you nibble along his jaw. "Do I now?"

"Yeah." It comes out a little breathy. "Smell really fucking good."

"You know increased sense of smell is supposed to be–"

You very nearly growl at him. "Just shut up and fuck me."

"Oh, well, if you insist."

He's laughing, but is already shifting to push you back against the couch while his mouth covers yours. Your hands are tugging and pushing at his shirt and jacket, a frustrated sound in the back of your throat before you mutter, "Too many clothes."

Bucky shrugs out of his jacket, letting it fall to the ground before hitting the button to release his shoulder harness and setting his gun down on top of it. The entire time his mouth remains fused to yours, and your hands tug and pull at his clothes.

The moment you get his shirt out of his pants, your nails are dragging over his skin, your teeth sinking into his bottom lip as you press your hips against his. When he tries to loosen your legs so he can get your leggings off you just wrap your legs tighter around him.

"Shit, baby, what has gotten into you," Bucky's lips move against your mouth as he mumbles the words.

"Stop talking," you repeat, pressing your hips up against his. Reaching down, Bucky pulls the knife in his boot out, twists it and hooks it into your leggings and runs it up so he can tear them away.

The Sharpest Lies [Bucky x ReaderxSteve]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora