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You skyrocket into consciousness on a rolling orgasm, pleasure swamping you and leaving you shuddering. "Oh. Fuck."

Once it releases its grip on you, you lift your head to focus on the face grinning at you from between your legs. Those gorgeous blue eyes. The scruff on his jaw rubs against the sensitive skin of your inner thigh as he nibbles on you.

"Fuck," you repeat breathlessly, your head dropping back against the pillows and your hands pushing into your hair.

"That, baby girl," Bucky murmurs, kissing his way up your body until his lips brush over yours and his thighs are pushing your legs apart. "Is exactly the idea."

He swallows your moan as he sheaths himself in you. Your hands glide over his back, feeling the flex and roll of his muscles under his fingers. When you feel Bucky's arm slide under your back, you don't think much of it, until the world is spinning and you end up straddling him. Then he pushes against your chest until you have no other option but to sit up.

Watching his face, you splay your hands on his chest for support and slowly roll your hips so that you feel yourself slide along his length. A half smile plays over his face, eyes taking on that intense look you've seen him get as they sweep over you.

Bucky's hand glides up your thighs, over your hips, stroking up your sides to your breasts and back again, touching everywhere he can while you drive things. Taking what you want from him. Your hips rock faster, sweat dewing over your skin as you build yourself up, winding that spring in your core tighter and tighter, until your head falls back, your back arches, and the orgasm snaps free.

Hands dropping to your hips, Bucky plants his feet enough so that he can thrust up into you. It pushes you up higher and higher. Prolonging and increasing the pleasure until you shatter from it;nails digging furrows into his chest, vision flashing white and a keening cry spilling from your throat.

You drag him over with you, his seed pumping into you with several final thrusts, until he finally stills. Like a wet noodle, you collapse against his chest, heart galloping and breath wheezing out of you.

"I think I'm blind," you mutter into his shoulder after you finally catch your breath.

Bucky's head tilts so he can catch sight of your face. Chuckling, he says, "Your eyes are closed malishka."

"Oh." You open your eyes, then close them again and nuzzle your face against his neck instead. "Well then."

Stroking his hand from your neck all the way down your spine to rest on your ass. Bucky turns his head to press a kiss to the top of your head. He convinced you to stay with him last night, after you agreed that you'd leave his son, the last thing he wanted to do was send you home to him. Not because he thought you'd change your mind, more he wanted to make sure someone he trusted was with you when you went to gather your things.

And speaking of...

"How long do you think you will need to get what you want from the apartment before you move in here?"

"Huh?" You lifted your head off his shoulder so you could look at his face. "What? Why do I have to move in here?"

Shaking his head, Bucky shifts and tips until you land on your back next to him. "Malishka, I'll give you the world on a silver platter, but there is no way I'm gonna live in that apartment with you. It's a nice enough place, but it just won't do. Especially when you start having our children."

Your eyes pop wide, your voice coming out high and squeaky, "Children?!"

Adoring you, amused by your reaction, Bucky brushes hair off your face and leans down to kiss you. Once he feels you relax from the shock, he pulls back and cups your cheek. "Yes, children. A whole host of them if we are lucky."

The Sharpest Lies [Bucky x ReaderxSteve]Where stories live. Discover now