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The sound of wild toddler giggles hits you as you step through the French doors to the backyard of the villa. Bucky is lounging in one of the lawn chairs, sipping at a beer as he watches Sasha use Steve like a trampoline. The 20-month-old babbling away in that incomprehensible way she has.

Your small family has been at the villa in Italy for about a week and a half. There are four more days left before you'll be returning to the states and normal life. It didn't feel right calling the vacation a honeymoon, considering Sasha along, but that's effectively what it was. It had taken longer to go through with the non-traditional wedding the three of you had then originally intended.

But between the business and the whole raising Sasha, it had been put on a temporary back burner. That is until Steve had stomped into the kitchen one day and demanded to know when you were going to follow through on your whole proposal.

Now, you were extremely glad that Steve had pushed the issue.

Bucky catches sight of you first, smiling warmly and holding his arm out to the side to encourage you to sit on his lap. Before you can, Sasha catches sight of you and instantly deserts Steve in favor of making her unsteady way over to you.

"Mama!" she squeals, a babbling line of nonsense spilling out of her while she tries to climb up your pant leg. You swing her up and settle her on your hip. She leans in for a smacking, wet, kiss before she immediately starts babbling as you carry her over to Bucky and perch on his lap.

You don't know most of what she's saying but you do catch something about "Dada 'eve" in the mess. Bemused, you look over where Steve is lumbering to his feet and brushing grass off his pants. At your lifted brow, he shrugs, "Little miss may have conned me into agreeing to take her swimming in a little bit."

"Oh, is that so?" you tease, tipping your face up to him to accept his kiss as he leans down to you. "You're telling me that you understand toddler-ese."

"What can I say, I'm a natural with languages," Steve says, making you laugh. "I'm gonna head in and grab the swim diapers and stuff. You know I can't break a promise after all. Come on, Sash. Pool time!"

Sasha wiggles out of your lap to make her way back to Steve, who lifts her and pops her on his shoulders. Only wincing a little bit when she gets a grip in his hair and yanks on it. Once the two of them disappear into the house.

Bucky's hand taps on your hip. "What's the matter baby? You came out here with a look on your face."

Taking a deep breath, you turn to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck and giving him a radiant smile. "Don't worry, it was a good look."

"It was? And what gave you that good look?"

You fish a small white, pink capped, stick out of your pocket and hand it over to him. His eyes drop to it before darting back up to your face. "Really?"

"Really," you confirm, laughing when he crushes you against his chest, giving you a hard and fierce kiss. When he lets you go, you rest your head on his shoulder and watch as Steve and Sasha get into the water. The positive pregnancy test still held lightly between Bucky's fingers.  

The Sharpest Lies [Bucky x ReaderxSteve]Where stories live. Discover now