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"I don't need to be driven. I can take a cab or even the subway. I'll be fine."

You are trying to sound reasonable, but you're pretty sure you sound whiny instead. Bucky just gives you a bland look, his arms and legs crossing as he leans back against his desk. You glance over where Steve is leaning against the bookshelf, and for a moment you consider appealing there. Maybe you can get Steve on your side to convince him.

As if he's reading your mind, Steve shakes his head. "I'm with Buck on this, sugar."

With a huff, you turn back to Bucky and cross your own arms over your chest. "It's my job, Bucky, I don't want to show up with a chauffeur. It'll look weird."

"I've already explained why it's necessary."

After completing your degree, you'd been given three weeks off and today is the day you're to return. For the prior two weeks, you had no problem having someone with you wherever you were, whether it was him or Steve. But now, you suddenly had a problem with it.

"But this is different."

"No, it isn't." In contrast to your tone, Bucky's is deadly calm, not betraying the bubbling frustration churning in his gut.

"It is!" you insist, barely restraining yourself from stamping your foot like a petulant child. "It's one thing when running errands or whatever, but this is my job, how am I supposed to explain why there's someone following me around all the time? Picking me up, dropping me off and all that shit?"

"Why do you have to explain anything? I've found if you don't call attention to something, people tend to just accept it as is." Bucky points out.

"That doesn't work. These people aren't just coworkers, they are friends." You turn away from him, stalking across the room to stand and glare into the empty fireplace with your arms crossed.

After a few minutes of watching your back as you fume, Bucky suggests, "You know, I'll provide anything you could possibly want or need, you don't have to work anymore."

It was the wrong thing to say. You whirl around, eyes flashing and stomp right over to him and drill your finger into his chest. "I am not with you because of your goddamn money! And I'm not going to be some–some–"

You sputter for a moment while you try to find the right word. When you finally land on it, you stab your finger into his chest a second time, "Some fucking kept woman. If that's what you wanted, then you've got the wrong person."

Bucky's hands lift, attempting to placate you, "That's not what I'm saying, malishka, calm down."

That was also the wrong thing to say.

"I will not calm down!I like my job. I'm not going to quit it just because you think I should just be some kind of trophy girlfriend."

"That's not what I think–"

"Shut up!" Bucky's mouth falls open in surprise, no one has told him to shut up since he was a kid. Behind your back, Steve nearly stuffs his knuckles into his mouth to stifle the laughter that wants to come out as he watches you lay into his oldest friend.

Luckily for Steve, when you spin away from Bucky and stomp towards the doorway, you don't see him because he has no doubt you'd make a go for him too. Who knew you were hiding a temper like that under all your sweetness.

"Why are you laughing?" Bucky demands when you disappear through the doorway.

Steve shakes his head. "I don't think I've ever seen you cower before a woman before that wasn't your Ma."

The Sharpest Lies [Bucky x ReaderxSteve]Where stories live. Discover now