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Waking with a start, Steve sits up and swings his feet to the floor. Rubbing a hand over his face and into his sweaty hair, he reaches over and picks up his phone to check the time. It wasn't even 4 yet. Standing, he moves over to the dresser to pull on a pair of sweats and a tank, knowing returning to sleep would be impossible. Not after having a dream like that.

His apartment was small and neat. While he could have easily afforded something bigger and more elaborate, such as Bucky's cabin or his estate in the city, Steve was more practical than that. When you spent more time away than in, it was pointless to have something bigger. So, instead, he went for an apartment in one of the complexes owned by Tony Stark. It was more like a luxury hotel than an apartment complex; complete with a full, discrete staff, top of the line gym facilities, and a kitchen that ran 24/7.

One thing nice about being up this early is at least the gym is empty when Steve enters it. Wrapping his hands, he steps up to one of the bags and settles into a square stance. It doesn't take long for him to fall into that zone he gets when working out. The downside of it though is that doing so triggers his mind to start replaying his latest dream—and all the resulting frustrations that come with it.

A soft voice cuts into his thoughts. "If I didn't know better, I'd say that punching bag personally offended you, Rogers."

Reaching out to steady the bag with one hand and shaking sweaty hair out of his eyes, Steve turns to see Sharon Carter standing with her feet braced and arms crossed over her chest. Choosing not to respond, he turns his back on her and moves over to the bench where he left his water as he unwraps his hands. Unfortunately for him, Sharon decides to shadow him.

"What's the matter Steve? Pent up?"

"Is there something you want or are you just here to harass me," Steve asks, dropping the wraps into his bag and picking up his water and a towel.

Sharon lifts a shoulder delicately. "Well, if the problem is a need for some stress relief, I could always help you out with that."


"Come on, Steve, why be like that? Clearly something is bothering you."

"Well, right now the only thing bothering me is you. I'm not interested, Sharon. I've told you that before."

Sharon trails after him as he heads towards one of the treadmills. "That's not completely true though is it. Or are you really going to tell me you don't remember six months ago?"

Steve's eyes roll to the ceiling. Six months ago, after a particularly rough week, he made the error in judgment to actually sleep with Sharon after months of her sniffing after him. It was a moment of weakness and one he wished he'd never given into. It was never a good idea to screw someone who was in close proximity because when it ended it made it difficult to disentangle.

"In fact," Sharon says, stepping into his path and bringing him up short. Reaching out she slides her hand along his chest. "We don't even have to leave this room. We can always just have a repeat of that first time."

Steve wraps a hand around her wrist to stop her from sliding her hand lower and shakes his head. "It's not happening Sharon, so just drop it."

She tugs her hand out of his grip and crosses her arms back over her chest. "You can be a real bastard, you know that Steve?"

"Yep. That's what I hear. Enjoy the gym, Sharon, I'm heading out." Backtracking to snag up his bag, Steve heads out of the gym and back up to his apartment. Mentally berating himself yet again for being stupid enough to fall into bed with Sharon.

In his shower, the steaming water pounding over him as he braces a hand against the wall, Steve let's his mind wander away from his problems with Sharon and back to his dream. Back to the thoughts about you; to your sweetness, and that sexy giggle. To the sounds you make as you come and to wondering if you'd sound the same for him as you do for Bucky.

The Sharpest Lies [Bucky x ReaderxSteve]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat