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Bucky and Steve took you from the apartment straight to a high end department store, where Bucky dropped you don't even know how much money to replace a chunk of your lost wardrobe. The one thing you did know was that he paid with a giant wad of cash. Without even blinking at it. On top of the emotional turmoil of discovering the condition of your apartment, it had been a very overwhelming day.

When Bucky brought you back to his home, he talked you into bed. Rather than for sex though, he coaxed you to take a nap in his arms instead. Which is why when you wake up alone, you're disappointed. Getting up, you glance at the pile of bags full of new clothes but it still feels too weird. So, instead, you slip into the short robe sitting on the end of the bed.

You figure Bucky would have woken you if he was going to leave, so you head towards his office. Without thinking about it, you push open the door and step right into what appears to be a meeting in progress. The five people in the room turn towards you as your eyes widen and you mutter, "Oops."

Bucky and Steve are both there, but you don't recognize the other three people in the room. One of the men, the one with messy silver hair, smirks as his eyes slide over you and you're reminded you're wearing nothing but a short robe. Uncomfortable, you cross your arms over your chest as Bucky comes over to the door and nudges you out into the hall.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know there were people."

"It's fine, what's wrong?" Bucky asks, his hand rubbing up and down your arm.

You shake your head. "Nothing, I was just looking for you. I was wondering if you'd seen my phone, I've really got to make some calls. Like to my landlord, and well, to Garrett–"

There is a flash in Bucky's eyes, but his tone remains the same. "Yeah, we need to talk first."

"What? Why?"

"Just let me wrap things up here, send Stark and the Maximoffs on their way, and then we will talk okay?"

"Talk about what?" you ask, annoyance starting to creep in.

Bucky gives you a pained look, both his hands rubbing your arms now. "We'll talk, fifteen, twenty minutes tops. I promise. Let me finish this up and then I'm all yours baby."

"Fine," you grind it out through your teeth, frustration clear, and despite himself Bucky finds it arousing. Shaking the thought away, he gives you another smile and presses a kiss to your forehead before you turn around and leave him there.

Twenty minutes later, Bucky finds you in the kitchen. You're still wearing the robe, your feet still bare and hair still tousled from sleep. There's something simmering on the stove that smells delicious. Coming up behind you, Bucky wraps his arms around your waist and presses his lips to your neck.

You squirm in his grip, and he hears the way you try and not giggle. "Stop it, I'm mad at you."

"Awe, why are you mad baby?" Bucky asks, turning you around so you're facing him and pushing your hair away from your face.

You duck out from his arms, resting your hands on your hips. Bucky wonders if you are aware that your robe has fallen open some. "Because. You're being weird. Where's my phone? Why won't you let me use it?"

Understanding your temper better, Bucky shakes his head and steps towards you, but stops when you step back again. Sighing, he runs a hand through his hair. "It's not something like that, I swear. Look, I just wanted to talk to you first."

"Well, then talk!" you glare at him.

"Well, first, you don't have to worry about your landlord. I took care of that."

The Sharpest Lies [Bucky x ReaderxSteve]Where stories live. Discover now