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Bucky wakes suddenly, realizing your warmth is gone from his side. For one wild moment, there is a sense of panic, but then he hears the toilet flush and he relaxes. Rubbing a hand over his face, he wonders how bad this is going to get; this worry that something bad was going to happen to you.

After several minutes, when you don't come out of the bathroom, concern floods through him again. He pushes the blankets off and gets up to see what's wrong.

Knocking softly on the door, Bucky asks, "Baby? Are you okay?"

"Ugh," your voice is very faint through the door. "Don't come in."

He ignores that and pushes into the bathroom to find you hugging the toilet, your head resting on the seat. Your face is sweaty, and you look more than a little green around the gills. You open a single eye and groan.

"Bucky, I told you not to come in," you whine.

"Don't be ridiculous," Bucky dismisses gently, moving to the sink and wetting a cloth before bringing it over to you. "You're mine to take care of, baby girl. Is it sick sickness or pregnancy sickness?"

You open your mouth to respond, but just end up groaning and leaning over the bowl. Bucky crouches and holds your hair out of the way, rubbing his hand over your back until you've finished. Reaching up, you flush the toilet before letting Bucky pull you into his lap.

"Pregnancy bullshit, I think," you mutter, sighing a little when Bucky wipes the sweat from your forehead with the damp cloth. "Calling it 'morning sickness' is some kind of fucking joke or something, though. This isn't morning!"

"I mean, it's like 4. For some people that's considered morning," Bucky says, smirking a little as you curl against his chest. "Take Steve for example. He likes to get up this early to work out."

The only comment you have to that is another groan. Several minutes later, when you think it's finally done, you push back to your feet and stumble over to the sink. Bucky stands, watching as you turn the faucet on and stick your mouth under it. Then you spend several minutes brushing your teeth before guzzling more water.

"Better?" Bucky asks, moving up to wrap his arms around you from behind, and press his lips on your shoulder.

"No, I'm tired," you grumble, leaning back against him. You let out a surprised yelp when Bucky scoops you up and carries you back to bed. "Hey! I can walk, you know?"

"Of course you can, malishka." Bucky settles down on the bed with you and kisses you. "But I like my little pleasures."

"There's nothing little about you."

Bucky snorts, wrapping his arm around you and snugging you to his chest as he covers you both back up. "Get some more sleep, we still have several hours before we have your appointment."

You don't respond because you've already fallen back asleep. Smiling faintly, Bucky settles his hand over your stomach and lets himself relax.


"What's wrong?" Bucky asks, reaching over to lay his hands over the knee that's bouncing erratically.

"She doesn't like medical shit," Steve answers absently, flipping a page in the magazine he's perusing. From the corner of your eye, you see the older receptionist scowl over at the three of you.

"Since when?"

"Since I was like 10. I got really sick when I was a kid and spent nearly a month in the hospital," you answer, scowling down at the paperwork you're filling out. "Why are there so many questions?"

The Sharpest Lies [Bucky x ReaderxSteve]Where stories live. Discover now