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Brock Rumlow watches the door from his position in the corner of the dive bar. It's one of those dim places that should be razed to the ground, considering all the health code violations. Which is what makes it his favorite place for these kinds of meetings. No one makes eye contact if they can help it or gives a shit about anyone else and what they are doing. It is as private as you can get for somewhere public.
And privacy is what he wants, since the one thing he didn't want is his name connected to what will go down. After all, he enjoys breathing and if shit went sideways, that would stop.
When the door opens and she steps in, Brock did nothing to get her attention. Instead, he watches her take the place in, her nose wrinkles in disgust before she takes a more careful look, searching the people for him.
The moment she spots him, she clicks over on a pair of heels that are a hazard in a place like this. As she approaches, Brock has the absent thought that if one thing could be said about James Barnes, it is that he has a habit of involving himself with truly stunning women. Though, honestly, you were a lot more attractive than Garrett's mother.
It probably has something to do with the fact you weren't a bitter cunt.
"I can't believe you insisted on meeting in this disgusting place," Rosa Fischer hisses the moment her ass touches the stool.
Brock gives her a toothy grin. "Places like this have their uses."
After a moment of silence, Rosa asks, "Well? Are you going to give me the information or not?"
"Depends on if you brought what we agreed to or not."
An ugly look crosses Rosa's face as she opens her purse and pulls out a thick manila envelope. Clearly, it pisses her off that Brock insisted on being paid for the information he had. Knowing the kind of woman she is, he figures she probably thought she was entitled to it. He checks the contents before tucking the envelope into the inner pocket of his jacket and looking back up at her.
He lets silence descend, and eventually Rosa loses her patience and she snaps out, "If you aren't going to give me anything, give the money back."
"Relax," Brock was enjoying this maybe a little too much. "What I have is good."
"Fine. Then get on with it."
"They're trying to have a baby."
Rosa blinks several times. "I'm sorry?"
"You heard me. Bucky and that hot piece of ass he took from Garrett, are trying to have a baby. Apparently, they are spending a lot of time and energy on the matter. Fucking each other all over–"
"Alright, that's enough. Is that seriously the only reason you called?"
"No, there's more." He spends the next fifteen minutes telling Rosa everything he'd learned from the dumb bitch he was fucking.
In all honesty, he hadn't expected much when he targeted the woman, he just figured women tend to tell each other things and she might have a few morsels of information he could draw out of her. He hadn't expected that Mary would be so naive and trusting. All it had taken was him giving her some flowers, taking her out to a few fancy restaurants and acting like he thought she was the hottest woman alive for her to open her mouth and pour out all manner of things.
She loved to talk and that was exhausting. But at least she wasn't half bad in the sack. Though she was a bit too eager to please for his normal tastes. Brock preferred more a fight, to make a woman take him. It's how he imagined fucking you would be like.
When he's done, Rosa's fingers tap on the tabletop. "Why are you giving me all of this anyway?" Above and beyond the money, since you had to know there was no guarantee for that."
His fingers brush lightly over the scars he received because of you before he answers, "Because the idea of seeing Bucky suffer is appealing to me. And if anyone knows how to make a man suffer, it's a woman he used to love."


"So," a smooth even voice says nearly in Bucky's ear. "I hear congratulations are in order."
He blinks, looking away from where you are listening to something Steve is saying to you that is making you bite down on your bottom lip and squirm. "Excuse me?"
Zemo, standing there and sipping at the tumbler with deep amber liquid in it, nods in the direction of you. "One can hardly miss the dazzling sparkle on her finger there."
"Oh, right. Thanks."
"Whatever did you think I meant, James?" Zemo asks, dark eyebrow lifting and a smirk playing over his lips.
"Nothing," Bucky responds dismissively. "I just didn't quite hear you."
"Yes, I suppose it's hard to pay attention to what's going on around you when there is something so pleasurable to watch."
The turn of conversation was making Bucky uncomfortable. There was just something about the way Zemo talked, like he was hinting at knowledge he wasn't sharing and shouldn't have a clue about. Bucky just didn't trust him, not completely.
As if you sensed his discomfort, you appear by his side, Steve not far behind. Turning from Zemo, Bucky focuses his attention on you, hand cupping your cheek briefly before sliding behind your neck. "What's up malishka?"
"I'm tired," you say, leaning yourself against him. "Steve said he'd take me home unless you still want me here?"
Bucky huns a little, eyes meeting Steve briefly and recognizing the look there. Squeezing your neck gently, he nods and says, "Go on then, I'll be home later to join you."
Beaming at him, you push up to press your lips against his rough cheek before you politely say goodnight to Zemo. Bucky watches you walk away, Steve's hand hovering over your lower back as he directs you towards the exit.
"He certainly is devoted isn't he?" Zemo comments, his own eyes tracking your departure. "A true friend to protect what's yours so fiercely."
Bucky bit back a smart retort, once again sure that Zemo was trying to suggest things more than what he was saying. And it would be best to steer the conversation elsewhere.
"Yes, well, we have a long and extensive history so his loyalty is natural. Now did you want to continue to discuss unimportant things or would you rather get back down to business?"

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