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You wake alone. Again. Over the past two weeks, ever since your attack, you often found yourself waking up alone. Not just in the morning, but even in the middle of the night. There are several nights where you aren't even sure he ever came to bed.

Needless to say, he's barely touched you since that day. Oh, sure, there have been plenty of those simple touches; a brush of his knuckles over your cheek, a kiss to your hair, the stroke of his hand on your lower back. But nothing substantial, nothing even close to the passion you'd become used to.

It is starting to feel like something is wrong. Sighing, missing him, you push the blankets off you and climb out and head to the shower. The spray is hot and feels amazing, and you try not to dwell on the negative thoughts trying to take residence in your head.

Averting your eyes from the mirror when you get out of the shower, not wanting to see the physical reminder of that day. At least you are getting the stitches out of your hand later today. Once you are dressed, you head down to see if Bucky is still in the house.

The door to his office is cracked open, the sound of his laughter initially making you smile until you hear the sound of a woman's laughter. There's an odd twinge in the general area of your heart as you hesitate at the door, wondering if you shouldn't enter. But, when the woman's laughter rings again, you push the door open and take a step inside.

Bucky's leaning back comfortably in his chair, at his ease. While the owner of the laughter currently has her ass perched on his desk facing him. The woman is a bombshell with a capital b. A wedge of bright red hair frames her face, her body practically poured into a dark power suit that highlights every asset she has. Cap it off with a pair of shapely and killer legs that end in 3 inch stilettos, and you suddenly feel extremely frumpy in the simple slacks and blouse you'd chosen to wear today.

A pair of cat green eyes study you as you stand there fidgeting. Bucky's smile seems a little forced to you as he stands and beckons you closer. The closer you get to his desk, the more a pit seems to form in your stomach. The woman uncrosses her legs and slides off the desk to stand.

"Malishka, this is Natasha Romanov, my lawyer," Bucky introduces you. When the woman holds her hand out to you, you offer yours automatically, even though the last thing you want to do is touch her. Her eyes slide away from you, and it feels like a dismissal as she focuses her attention back on Bucky.

"Well, I do need to be going, James," she says, her voice holding the barest whiff of an accent. "But, it's been a pleasure as it always is."

"Why don't I see you out," Bucky tells her, turning towards you and running a hand down your arm. "I'll be back in a few if you wanna have breakfast together?"

You shake your head. "Um, no, I am getting breakfast with Mary this morning before work and Steve's gonna be here soon."

"Alright, I'll see you tonight then," Bucky says, kissing you lightly before walking out of the office with Natasha. As they walk away, you hear them speaking in Russian to each other, and there's a lurching twinge somewhere in the area of your stomach this time.

You swallow around the lump that's grown in your throat and make your way out of Bucky's office and to the front door, noticing that Bucky and Natasha are nowhere to be found. Which probably means she parked around back at the garage. Steve is already waiting for you when you step out, so you fight the urge to go investigate.


"Steve, what happened to your hands?" you ask as you lean towards him from the back.

He flexes his hand on the wheel, eyes dropping to them before darting up to meet yours in the rearview mirror. "Just normal bumps and scrapes from working out, gorgeous."

The Sharpest Lies [Bucky x ReaderxSteve]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant