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Despite the majority of the plan already figured out, it still takes an additional three days to fine tune it to the point where the chances of success are high enough to risk it. In a part of his brain, Bucky understands the need for meticulous planning. However, the more animalistic part of him has gone beyond feral and strains at this need.

So, when he's told that it will be at least another 12 hours before they can act, he's about ready to tear the head off of everyone involved.

"What the fuck do you mean we have to wait!"

Unruffled at the outburst, Loki tucks his hands behind his back. "You know what the plan is. But more important than that you aren't in any fit state to be doing anything right now. And we will not execute this plan until both you and your second-in-command have gotten some sleep."

"Excuse me? Did you just fucking tell me to go to bed?"

In contrast to the previous outburst, Bucky's voice has dropped dangerously low as he strides forward and squares up to the other man. Again, Loki is completely unruffled by things that would make most men quake in their boots. Everyone else in the room is frozen as they watch the interaction.

"Yes, Barnes, that is exactly what I said," Loki says coolly. "When was the last time you slept? Hm?"

"What does that fucking matter?" Bucky's hands fly out to the side in his frustration as he shouts again.

"Because, if you go in there as you are now, nearly dead on your feet, you not only risk the lives of everyone who goes in with you. You risk the life of the one you are hoping to save."

"That's absurd. I can handle myself just fine no matter how tired I am. Especially when my woman and child are involved."

"No, you can't." Loki holds up a hand to forestall the next response. "You want proof, Barnes? Then try to take me down, right here and now."

"Excuse me?" Bucky stares at the man in disbelief, watching as he slowly sheds his suit jacket.

"You heard me. If you are at the level you claim you are, you should be able to take me down easily, no?" Loki says, handing his jacket and weapons over to his brother. "Obviously, no guns here, but you are free to use whatever other weapons you want to use if you don't want to try and use your fists."

The rest of the people in the room have all backed away to the edges. It takes Bucky a long moment to decide to finally just do it. "If I take you down we go now?"

"You won't be able to take me down."

Loki's confidence in himself spurs Bucky's blood lust enough to override his better judgment. With a snarl, Bucky strips his own jacket off and lets it fall before unhooking his harness and letting that fall too. Then he squares himself up to the other man. For his part, Loki hasn't moved. Not even to brace into a defensive posture.

It makes Bucky sneer a little, and the thought that this is going to be extremely easy swims through his mind as he makes his approach. What happens next, occurs so fast it's like his brain can't follow it. Loki remains still until Bucky is less than a foot from him and then with a fluid, cat-like grace he plants a foot, pivots on the heel and moves around Bucky's body.

The air shoves out of Bucky's chest as he lands on his back with Loki's foot planted firmly on his chest. He holds there for three beats before he removes his foot and crouches down to Bucky's wheezing form.

"I understand your urgency, Barnes, but you are more likely to get her killed in this condition than not. I would hate for that to be the way this ends," Loki is speaking quietly, so that only Bucky can hear what is being said. Then he straightens and helps Bucky back to his feet. "Do whatever it takes to ensure you get some sleep. Otherwise I will ensure that neither of you help with this."

The Sharpest Lies [Bucky x ReaderxSteve]Where stories live. Discover now