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Rosa Fischer stomps into her condo, driven by the kind of anger that has her throwing her purse and coat away before she heads to the liquor cabinet. Her anger came from two directions. The first from news that her son was dead, the second from the fact that none of her contacts and connections were willing to do anything about it.
She's tossing back the drink she poured herself when she senses the movement behind her and whirls. Eyes narrowed as the shadows materialized into a person, she watches Bucky walk forward and take a seat at her kitchen island
"Hello, Rosa."
"How the fuck did you get in here?" Rosa demands. She'd paid good money through the nose for a condo in a building with beefed up private security, complete with security guards with long law enforcement and/or military backgrounds. So even if somebody got through the electronic security, they shouldn't have been able to get through the guards.
Bucky snorts quietly, using a single finger to pull a card left casually on the marble top towards himself to examine it. "Please, Rosa, do you really think a man of my means can't take care of a few pesky guards."
"Impossible. You'd need an army to take down the guards in this place."
"No, just money. It's really a shame that with all the deep pockets that live in this building, you all pay your staff so poorly. Maybe if you'd paid better, they'd want to be more loyal."
"Get out."
"Don't you think you did enough?" Rosa asks, moving herself slowly towards where she keeps one of her safety nets.
"And what do you think I did?" Bucky asks, his tone all casual.
"You killed our son. For that bitch whore of yours," Rosa spits at him.
Fingers flexing tight into a fist is the only sign of the boiling anger inside of him. Head tilting to the side, Bucky asks, "Is that what you think happened?"
"Are you going to sit there and try to claim that you had nothing to do with Garrett's death?"
"Hardly, but I didn't do anything he didn't deserve to have done to him."
"Excuse me?" Rosa put as much disdain as she can into the words, still making her slow way to the drawer holding her SIG P365.
"You know, I tried, Rosa," Bucky says tiredly, his eyes trained on her angry face. "I really did. I know I sucked in the father arena when I was younger, but I tried to mend those fences. I gave all that I could."
"Oh, bullshit."
Ignoring her outburst, Bucky continues, "But the fact was, Garrett was tainted Rosa. And the blame for that falls partly on my shoulders. I should have tried harder when he was younger. Shouldn't have left it to you to raise him."
Rosa is nearly to the drawer she needs when Bucky says softly, "If you're hoping to reach your gun in here, don't bother."
Her eyes snap back to him as he pulls the gun from behind his back and looks it over. "An obvious choice, but a good one."
"What are you going to do James?"
"I'm going to protect what's mine," Bucky answers, holding the gun towards her to keep her from going anywhere.
"Oh, please," Rosa sneers, disgust crawling across her features. "Garrett was yours and look what you did to him."
"Again, Garrett got what he deserved."
"He didn't deserve to die."
Bucky sighs heavily, shaking his head. "Garrett was a rapist who participated in the active victimization of numerous women and even children. I get that a mother's love is often unconditional, Rosa, but I used to think that you were a better person than that."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"It means that I know of the part you played in harming the woman I love and our unborn child. I know how you helped plan and orchestrate her kidnap and her torture–"
"I did nothing of the sort," Rosa declares, cutting him off.
Bucky just gives her a tired look. "I gave both you and Garrett a benefit I don't give many. I gave you both a chance to walk away unscathed. I'm not making that mistake a second time."
Rosa's eyes widen in surprise when Bucky levels the gun at her. "You wouldn't dare. You don't hurt women, remember?"
"You aren't a woman, Rosa. You're a villain. And this is the end of your story."
Dispassionately, Bucky watches as the blood pool surrounding Rosa's crumpled form slowly expands. Vaguely, he wonders why he doesn't feel anything. Not only because of the history they shared but because Rosa was the last obstacle to ensure your safety in his mind.
He should feel something, right? Relief, satisfaction, righteousness. Something. Instead, Bucky just feels empty. Empty and aching for you. Sighing, he turns his attention to cleaning up, wiping away all evidence of his presence in the condo before leaving the same way he came in.
"Is it done?" Sam asks when Bucky walks up to where he's waiting by the town car in the back alley.
"It's done." Bucky confirms, sliding into the back and leaning his head back to close his eyes. Once he hears the driver's door close, he directs Sam to the airport so they can go back to New York. So he can get back to you.
When the car is moving, he lets his mind wander back over to yesterday morning when he'd left. He'd woken in a panic before his brain caught up to remind him you and the baby were home and safe. Safe and sleeping next to him with Steve wrapped around your back. He had been certain you'd gone to bed with pajamas on, but when he woke up both you and Steve were naked.
Bucky hadn't been able to stop the little twinge of jealousy that hit him as he wondered if the two of you had had sex while he was sleeping. It was the first time he'd experienced anything close to it, and he didn't like it. You need time, he knows that, but he also couldn't help but feel like you are slipping away from him.
Whatever is creating this distance between you and him needs to be fixed. That's the only thing that matters now.

The Sharpest Lies [Bucky x ReaderxSteve]Where stories live. Discover now