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Steve's face is a mask of incredulity as he stares at Bucky. "What the fuck do you mean, you're going to be gone for a few days?"

"There's something I have to take care of." In contrast to Steve's heated tone, Bucky's is cool and hides the ravenous rage that has become a part of his very soul since your kidnapping.

"So send someone else to take care of it!"

You make a huffing sound in your sleep, and both men freeze, their eyes sliding over to see if you're waking up. After a few seconds, you settle back down and Bucky grips Steve's arm to drag him just a little further from the bed.

Voice low, Bucky shakes his head, "No, Steve. No one is snipping this final string except me."

"What final string?"

"How many times did it come up in the past just how useless my son was, Steve?"

"Okay, a lot. And?"

Bucky's eyes flick back over to the hospital bed. "We saw the extent of Garrett's ability to plan when he attacked her in that alley all those months ago. No, this was too elaborate, too detailed, and too cold-blooded to be something he thought up."

"Okay," Steve says slowly. "But isn't that why we took out Walker's whole organization?"

"Walker was only a part of it." When Steve just gives him a blank look, Bucky nearly wants to throttle him. "Jesus, pull your head out of your ass, Steve. Rosa."

"What? You think Rosa planned all this?"

"All of it? No. But her hands are one hundred percent dirty in this."

"Okay," Steve says again. "But Garrett's not a problem anymore so–"

"I can't–no, I won't take the chance that bitch just finds someone else to rope into hurting her."

Steve's eyebrows wing up in surprise at the pure venom and hate in Bucky's voice. "Fine, whatever, but do you really think leaving now is a good idea? Don't you think this is where you need to be right now?"

"The longer I wait, the more chance she has to disappear, or worse."

"And what about her?" Steve asks, nodding towards the hospital bed.

Bucky's eyes soften for a moment as he looks at you, but then they harden again. "I'll be leaving after we get her settled in at home."

"Which is when?"

"The doctor has given the go ahead for that later today. We've got the ultrasound first."


"And do mommy and daddy want to know the sex of your little one?" the ultrasound technician asks as she settles on to her stool.

"No," Bucky answers at the same time you say "yes".

"Really?" Bucky asks as he looks at you in surprise. The two of you had discussed previously about wanting to wait until birth to find out. Your eyes skitter away from his as your hand rests lightly on your stomach.

"I'm sorry. I know we were excited about it being a surprise. But I just–I just can't deal with that."

"With being surprised?"

"With all the unknown," you mumble, a lump forming in your throat.

There's shame coiling in your chest over knowing that you're taking something that Bucky had been so excited about doing away from him. Especially when Bucky lifts the hand he's holding up to press a kiss to the back and nods at the technician and says, "Looks like we are finding out the sex."

The Sharpest Lies [Bucky x ReaderxSteve]Where stories live. Discover now