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Saturday wasn't just New Year's Eve. It was also the night of the grand opening of Bucky's new nightclub. It was a big deal, and you were going with him as his date for the night. You were all sorts of nervous about it because this was going to be the first time that you were going out in public on the arm of another man. And not just any man, no, this man just so happens to be the father of the man you were dating and living with.

Staring at your reflection in the mirror, having spent a lot more time than you normally do getting ready due to your nerves, you couldn't stop thinking about how crazy this was. Carrying on an affair with your boyfriend's father, a man twice your age, was absolutely bonkers.

But every time you thought to end the insanity, you couldn't.

Bucky made you feel special and wanted. He treated you like a princess and a goddess. When you spent time with him, Bucky acted like you were the only thing that mattered in the world. Whenever those striking blue eyes landed on you, it sent heat, lust, and need spreading through your veins like liquid fire.

It was addicting.

"Malishka, before we go, I have–" Bucky trails off when he catches sight of you, fingers pausing in the act of securing one of his cuff-links. He curses quietly in Russian, eyes roving over your body.

You turn around towards him, your heart tripping at the look in his eyes. The look that says he wants to eat you alive. It has heat pooling between your legs. "So, you think I look okay?"

"Doll, if I didn't have to go to this thing, I would be tearing that dress off you right here and now."

Face heating, you reach up nervously and touch a hand to the hollow of your throat and then your hair. "Oh. Really."

Bucky nods, walking over to one of the paintings in the room and pulling it forward to reveal a wall safe. Typing in the code, he pulls it open and reaches in to pull out the slim velvet box inside. After locking the safe backup and putting the painting back into place, he walks over to where you're still standing, shifting from foot to foot.

"Turn around for me, malishka, and close your eyes for a moment."

Nibbling on your bottom lip, you do as he asks. When he steps up behind you, his warm breath fanning across your skin, it makes you shiver with anticipation. You feel him placing a necklace around your neck, his fingers brushing oh so delicately over your skin. Once it's secure, you feel his hands on your shoulders as he gently directs you to the left.

"Alright, open those pretty eyes for me," Bucky murmurs to you, his lips brushing over the spot behind your ear.

When your eyes blink open, the first thing you focus on is his reflection and those eyes you were such a sucker for. Then your gaze lands on the necklace, and you suck in a surprised breath. A blood red teardrop ruby surrounded by starburst diamonds.

"Oh my god, Bucky, it's beautiful." You reach up to touch it, watching the way the movement makes it sparkle with radiant fire in the lights of the room. Because this is Bucky, you know these stones are the real deal. And that terrifies you. "But it's too much. You can't give me this."

Bucky presses a kiss to your shoulder, fingers trailing slowly down your arms before he says, "I already have."

"This had to cost a small fortune." You turn around to face him properly, nervous all over again while you reach up and touch it. "You can't spend a small fortune on me."

"Yes I can." You open your mouth to tell him again that he can't spend this much money on you and he kisses you silent. Pulling back, he tips your chin up, thumb brushing along your jaw. "It's only money, malishka. You can't take it with you when you die, so hoarding it is pointless. What's the point of having if I can't spoil someone as perfect as you."

The Sharpest Lies [Bucky x ReaderxSteve]Where stories live. Discover now