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ON the other hand, Seungcheol was having a particularly great day. He never once yelled at Hansol for waking him up early, managed to go on a short coffee run, wore his best clothing which made him look exceptionally good that morning, not that there was a difference to any other day, and just could not stop smiling no matter how hard he tried.

And it was definitely not because of a certain doe-eyed brunette he had crossed paths with the night before.

Overall, there was absolutely no way in hell anything could mess up his day, and even if it was somehow magically ruined, he wouldn't let it get to his head because it was occupied by a certain someone.

"Why are you in such an incredibly good mood today?" Jihoon observed, as Seungcheol walked up to their usual spot in the courtyard behind their school. Rather than sitting at the crowded cafeteria or in a cafe, Jihoon preferred the scenery, the sounds of nature, particularly the song the hummingbirds would sing while they were in the trees. Not to mention, the garden that was right beside them, with a walkway that led back into the school. Even if it was more silent than he'd like, Seungcheol didn't mind since he always had a person to go with him and keep him occupied, it just so happened to be his dearest friend Jihoon that day.

The curly haired boy grinned, shrugging as he made himself comfortable on top of the table rather than sitting onto the bench like any regular person, "no reason. Just feeling...lucky I guess." This caused the shorter to become skeptical, "lucky?" Seungcheol looked over at his friend, nodding his head as if it was a regular word he used, "yeah, lucky. Can't a guy just be in a happy mood?" Jihoon shook his head, "usually you complain about your schedule being too busy, but now you're all sappy and energetic. Make it go away." This only caused the elder to chuckle and ruffle the younger's hair, "oh Jihoonie! You never change do you?"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" The younger shook his head, removing Seungcheol's hand in annoyance, "and why the hell are you treating me like some kid? I'm literally a year younger than you, you know." He huffed, crossing his arms as he mumbled some other profanities under his breath. "Because I can. Now quit whining, have you seen Han?"

"Why? Are you going to profess your undying love for him or something? If you do, please warn me beforehand so I can barf." Seungcheol only rolled his eyes at this comment. It's not like he didn't have feelings for Jeonghan, because he did, at least that's what he always told himself ever since they were fourteen years old. The two had met by chance in their neighborhood when Jeonghan had pushed their mutual friend off of a swing once, and they were friends ever since. Simply because Seungcheol thought it was the most hilarious thing that could ever have happened to the male, and in all honesty, he was a tad bit bitter at that friend for eating the last otter pop after school. Not to mention, Jeonghan had looked mesmerizing in Seungcheol's eyes. The playful and mischievous personality, his laugh, how distant and cold he looked on the outside, but was truly a kind person at heart once you got to know him.

Seungcheol truly loved everything about Jeonghan. One could even say it was love at first sight, though the feeling was mutual it never seemed to click for the two. Their love for each other was strong, but there was always something that didn't quite click. He just wished he could recall what went wrong, see if he could fix it, but every time he told himself things would get better, and one day they'd be together, it was like the universe was yelling at them to give up. Jeonghan was the first to move on, yet Seungcheol seemed reluctant in letting the redhead go. Everyone could see how much he truly loved the boy, they just wished someone would give the older as much love in return. Maybe then the missing pieces would fit.

What they didn't know yet was maybe that person would finally come sooner than they expected. A blessing in disguise for both boys in their own way. Rather than holding onto someone who was more than likely never going to love them back, they would be able to find a new love within each other. Even if the two weren't aware of it themselves, they had already found a soulmate, and sealed their own fate in the process. It was only a matter of time for that flower to finally bloom into something beautiful.

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