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"WOW I like the place Hyung." Mingyu comments, walking ahead of Minghao who was currently struggling to carry multiple bags full of groceries the trio had bought earlier. "Can you stop being a suck up and help me!" He frowns, shoving two of the bags into Mingyus' arms, who grunted in response. "Haohao~ that was rude!"

"The only rude one here is you, leaving me to do all the work like usual–" he stops abruptly as soon as he feels Mingyu kiss him on the cheek nonchalantly. The Chinese feels his face flush, setting the remainder of groceries down on Seungcheol's dining table before cupping his cheek in shock, "Kim Mingyu, y-you idiot!"

Jisoo looks at Mingyu perplexed, while the younger simply shrugs in response. It didn't take long for the two to burst into a fit of laughter at their friend cursing in Chinese.

"I didn't know you two were kissing each other now."

"Hyung, that's very misleading. Please don't phrase it that way." Minghao asks, almost tempted to bang his head against the wall in embarrassment. "I don't know, I think I like it–"

"Say one more word, Kim Mingyu and I swear I will kill you in your sleep." He threatens, picking up a banana out of one of the bags to point at the taller. Mingyu simply flashes his teeth, tilting his head in amusement, "I totally wouldn't oppose that idea."

"You are absolutely mental. Issues, you have issues!"

Jisoo watches his two best friends fondly in the corner of the kitchen, the corner of his lips tugging upward. "So I see everything is the same as usual then?" He hums, and for a moment the other two stare at each other, unable to respond.

"Did I say something wrong?.." The blonde questions, moving past the two to take the bags off the table and place them closer to the counter.

"No," Mingyu starts, "we just missed you, hyung." Minghao finished, following Jisoo's steps to begin taking things out of the bag for Jisoo to put away.

"It's been a while hasn't it? I'm sorry, but don't worry Seungcheol's helping me get used to everything again. You'll have the hyung you know back in no time."

"We're perfectly fine with who you are now." Jisoo stops moving, letting the words replay in his head, in case he'll forget. "Hyung? You alright?"

Jisoo nods his head, turning around to pull the two into a tight hug, oh how I missed this. "I'm all for hugs, but you're squishing the bread–"

"Shit. Cheol's going to kill me now." He frowns, grabbing the loaf of bread to inspect the damage. "I guess we can have lop-sided toast.." he mutters, completely forgetting about the other two as he focuses on the bread damage. "I didn't know you'd be so upset about bread." Minghao comments slyly, stifling a laugh at the glare that is sent his way.

"I'm a guest at his apartment. I've already caused him enough troubles as is, the least I could do is not ruin his food." The blonde comments bitterly, putting the bread away disappointedly. "About that–so are you two like a thing now?"

Jisoo hears Mingyu groan in pain behind him. Turning around with raised eyebrows, he watches the male clutch the side of his stomach. Minghao just stands there with a polite smile on his face, ignoring the latter's call for help. "Idiot."

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