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IT was a funny thing really, how Jisoo's crush on Seokmin started; the younger wasn't even the person he liked in the first place. Jisoo was actually fond of Mingyu for the longest time, the two meeting in photography in Jisoo's last year of high school and also his very first crush. Something about Mingyu really made Jisoo affectionate towards the younger, he found his kindness beautiful, the way Mingyu had always cheered him up whenever he felt lost, even his clumsiness was alluring, Jisoo loved Mingyu's personality, and who he was as a person. However, the younger was also the one to introduce Jisoo to Seokmin, that was when realization struck Jisoo. He was actually grateful for the younger being the first person to never leave, something he mistook for love.

The first time Jisoo had actually talked to the sunshine was during friendsgiving, Minghao and Jisoo had already made a plan with Soonyoung and Mingyu to get together and celebrate the holiday, something the eldest of the four quite looked forward to each year seeing as he hardly celebrated most Holidays. Mingyu had brought Seokmin along since he didn't have any plans for that weekend, and the two immediately hit it off from there with Jisoo pulling out his ukelele and Seokmin coming up with random words that soon became an inside joke of theirs.

When he looks back on it, Jisoo was grateful for everything that led him to now; he was grateful for his best friends, for Soonyoung, for Seokmin giving him something he never knew he could have. Don't get him wrong, he still is and will always be grateful for what he has now, but a certain fluffy, dark-haired male just won't leave his mind alone. Perhaps Jisoo was also grateful for Seungcheol as well, in his own Jisoo way, but there were certain times like now that made Jisoo question if he was truly grateful for Seungcheol as a person, or who Jisoo wanted him to be.

Seungcheol was a person, Jisoo knew that of course, but he wasn't sure if he was real.

The doe-eyed male had been let down numerous times before, by those he once considered close friends, even his own family. What's to say Seungcheol won't let him down as well? As much as he doesn't want to overthink it, Jisoo knows he has a newly found fear. Because whenever he gets too close to someone, they always run away leaving him in the dull, chilly atmosphere he put up as a shield. Something to protect his heart from breaking all over again.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"C'MON Jisoo! You can't reeeaally be mad at me can you?" Jisoo turned his head to look at the older, swallowing the previous chewed corn dog he had in his mouth. "You couldn't be any more annoying." Seungcheol frowned, latching onto Jisoo's arm to shake him for attention. "Really, it wasn't even that bad!" Jisoo looked at the older wide eyed, "you took advantage of my disadvantage!" At this they received stares from people around them, Jisoo subconsciously hiding himself in the crook of Seungcheol's neck, "see, now people are staring.." he mumbled softly, turning a light shade of pink.

Seungcheol, who feared the brunette would be able to hear his heart beating more than the average person, was left in a dazed shock. His hand hovered over Jisoo's back, gulping nervously, he placed it subtly to comfort the boy who flinched at the touch, noticing this Seungcheol removed his hand immediately. "It's okay, just..just warn me next time okay? I don't do well with physical touch." Seungcheol hummed, acknowledging the sadness laced in the male's words, but nonetheless let his curiosity go. The two didn't take long to get assorted into this position, Seungcheol caressing Jisoo's back while Jisoo played with a loose strand on the elder's shirt.

Jisoo had never been in this position before, it was all new to him, yet it felt nice. He was unsure of what caused him to act out of his normal behavior, especially with Seungcheol of all people; someone he barely met less than two days ago. Maybe it was the comfort the two shared that night in the cold, their first encounter that managed to change not one, but two lives. Even if he didn't have all the answers now Jisoo was grateful someone like Seungcheol was able to have this much of an effect on him. Someone who was able to comfort him in a different way than others.

Sure, Minghao and Mingyu had always comforted Jisoo when he needed it. Somehow, the two always knew when he was struggling and just the right amount of space he needed. The two were aware of his attacks; he had told them about it a year after knowing them, worried that they would think differently. However, to his surprise they were more than understanding, and even pestered Jisoo about ways they could help it subside, this of course was the first time Jisoo knew some people were okay in the world.

He had forgotten long about his half eaten corn dog, Seungcheol as well with his fries, who some people would think as absurd; but the two much rather enjoyed the presence of each other. It was a new feeling and it was something the two never wanted to let go of.

. . .

"Cheol hyung?"

. . .

Seungcheol looked towards the direction of the voice, almost regretting it as soon as he felt Jisoo move away. "Hansol?" Of course you had to ruin the moment! "What are you doing here?" Hansol looked between the two, taking the Lollipop out of his mouth to speak, "Oh, I came to meet-"

"Vernon?" Jisoo sat up more clearly, trying to comprehend this coincidence. "Shua hyung?" It was now Seungcheols turn to look at the two of them, clearly confused. "Who the hell is Shua? Shit! Did I say that out loud?" He groaned in annoyance, it didn't help now that Jisoo was quieter than before. "That's Shua hyung." The younger pointed his finger at Jisoo who only blinked, "and you're Vernon." Hansol nodded, smiling sheepishly, "now that we've established that, what are you two doing here?"

"Now wait just a minute-why do you two have completely different names? I'm so confused!" Hansol shook his head, "it's called America, duh." Jisoo ultimately facepalmed before speaking up, "Joshua. That's my English name. I met Vern-Hansol, in America when I was younger. He was transferring for a couple years, and I lived there for a while." Seungcheol nodded his head slowly forming an 'O' shape with his mouth. "So I can stop calling you Soo now, yay!" Jisoo raised his hands forming an X, "now hold on! I-I didn't say that!"

. . .


The two who were playfully bickering stopped to look at the fourth voice, even Hansol as well smiling brightly while waving, "Hi Jeonghan hyung!"

"Han-ah." Seungcheol breathed out in awe. Nothing has changed. Jeonghan smiled, tilting his head, "I haven't seen you in while, I'm glad we ran into each other here. I promised Hansollie I would play some games with him." Seungcheol snorted, "of course you did, did he bribe you? You know he's been failing his classes right-" Hansol interrupted the two, waving his hands, "okay! That's enough of let's talk about Hansol and his failures!"

While the three continued to talk between themselves, Jisoo was in his own world, quietly watching the scene.

How Seungcheol would make fun of Hansol, the younger defending himself in return.

Yet, while conversing with Jeonghan, he seemed much brighter than before.

Funny how a little crush could do so much to a person.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

◞✿ adri's check-ins ~

Merry/Happy early Christmas to those who celebrate ! :))

Recently I've come up with two alternate endings for this book,,,,,so I have no clue which one I'll actually end up using, but so far the ending chapters are already premade !

As for these chapters, we're just winging it with some events in mind 😅😅

hope everyone has had a great break so far !

and I hope you're all doing well <3

btw, doors on roblox level. 50 is still kicking my ass sigh </3

love you all, mwah !

xoxo ~ adri <3

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