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JIHOON sighed upon hearing the pen click for what he predicts to be the twentieth time that evening. It was beginning to get annoying, he couldn't focus on studying properly, and on top of that he had to put off apartment hunting since he could no longer afford the increased rent in the last three months.

Overall, Jihoon was growing tired and stressed, having no time for whatever the hell Seungcheol's problem was.

"Do you mind?" The shorter of the two had groaned, rubbing his face with his hand as he turned around in his swivel chair.

"I let you in hoping we could study NOT so I could hear you endlessly clicking that pen that probably wants to be put out of its own misery by now." He looked at the elder who was currently on the floor, Jihoon looking unimpressed while Seungcheol rolled over to sit up, cross legged.

"You know, it's an object Ji. Pens don't have feelings."

Jihoon rolled his eyes, grabbing the closest thing he could on his desk to throw at him, which happened to be an old pencil case he used once upon a time.

"That was rude." Seungcheol pouted, picking it up only to toss it to the side. "Yeah well, you were rude first when you decided to distract me by being annoying. Literally, why are you here if you're not gonna study. We have finals coming up soon, you remember that right?"

Seungcheol rolled his eyes mocking the younger, "yeah yeah, finals, whatever. You act like you're not gonna ace it anyway. What is it this time?" Seungcheol looked around, getting up to grab an abandoned bag of chips earlier that day, "I'm sure you can just use one of the tracks you've made already that'll easily put you at an A! You literally cannot lose here!" Jihoon watched as the male munched on his cheetos, resisting the urge to snatch it away and dump it on his head.

The musician sighed, shaking his head while running a hand through his hair. "I have to work with a partner this time..luckily i'm working on it with Yoongi who's just as equally talented, but I feel like we'd have different opinions."

Seungcheol clicked his tongue, "That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard, and I've listened to Hansol rant about his love life." Jihoon let out a laugh, one that instantly perked up Seungcheols own mood, the two getting into a fit of laughter between themselves.

"So," Jihoon spoke up after the laughter died down, closing his laptop and placing it back on his desk, "what happened to you?"

It was now Seungcheol's turn to sigh, leaning his head back against the edge of Jihoon's bed, playing with the bracelet on his wrist. "I think I might've just screwed up the best thing that's possibly ever happened to me Ji, but this time I don't think I can fix it."

Jihoon pursed his lips, clasping his hands together as he leaned back in his chair, humming in acknowledgement. "Can't or won't?"

The latter looked up, his face turning into a scowl, "what the hell kind of question? Why wouldn't I!" Jihoon only shrugged, unfazed by his friend's outburst. "Could've fooled me."

Seungcheol sighed, shaking his head, "what's that supposed to mean Jihoon-ah?"

"Rather than moping around about it like you usually do, why don't you go out and actually do something about it. It's not that you can't or don't know how, you're just avoiding it. You found a way out Cheol, and you're using it as an excuse to run from whatever it is you want to avoid."

Jihoon bit his inner cheek before speaking up again, "please don't do that to yourself again okay? Do you understand how much it pained me to see you shut yourself off from everyone because of Jeonghan? Do you really think you can handle losing Jisoo?"

❁ཻུ۪۪ 𝘿𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙈 || 𝘾𝙃𝙀𝙊𝙇𝙎𝙊𝙊Where stories live. Discover now