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HE wakes up in a cold sweat, never familiar with his surroundings as they slowly come into view. The darkness he was once plagued by in his dreams had vanished as soon as a ray of light shone through the curtains. It so happened that the individual who initially rescued him was standing in that same light.

He may not have been fully awake yet if that is why he was unable to stop the smile that spread across his face when Seungcheol returned his gaze. He almost forgot the feeling–having a reason to smile without needing it to be faked–and it was always because of Seungcheol.

His saviour after all.

"Oh you're awake." Seungcheol muses, stepping away from his spot in front of the bed. "Sorry, it's just been a while since you looked..."

"Not dead?" Jisoo finished hoarsely, swallowing down the lump he felt when speaking. The elder broke out into a grin, "that's not what I meant–not that I like to watch you sleep or anything! Wait, wait okay this makes me look really bad–" he waved his hands in protest, squeezing his eyes tight as soon as he understood the words spoken aloud.

"I swear I don't watch people sleep-ohmygod I'll shut up now." Jisoo scrunched his nose, too embarrassed with the latter's outburst. "You just keep digging yourself deeper."

Seungcheol huffed, "yeah..yeah I figured...thought you would just pretend it didn't happen."

"Where's the fun in that?"

Jisoo watched as Seungcheol took a seat on the very edge beside his legs, making enough room to where he could continue putting on his shoes. "Are you absolutely sure you don't need me to stay? I can leave for another day–" The blonde shook his head, sitting up in the bed the two shared until Jihoon fully moved out. "Cheol, you already ditched four days this week. Go to class."

Seungcheol frowned, stopping in between putting on his shoes, "I really don't think they'd mind. I mean I sit in the back–I'm practically invisible anyway!" Jisoo looked beside him, grabbing the pillow nearest to him, tossing it at the elder who almost fell back due to lack of balance. "That wasn't very fair."

Jisoo stuck his tongue out, "you're not playing fair by staying here and waiting around me all day."

"But I like waiting on you."

There was a small pause of silence as Jisoo turned red, shaking his head in disbelief pointing toward the bedroom door, "Class!"

"Alright, fine!" Seungcheol sighed defeatedly, "just call me if you need me okay? And don't be afraid to come out or whatever. It's good for you, Soo." Jisoo hummed, giving the male the best smile he could make despite how tired he felt on the inside. He just wanted to lay all day and do nothing. Maybe it would help his physical and mental well being catch up with the rest of the world.

It was already day four and Jisoo hadn't heard from his mother. He struggled to accept whether or not that was anything to be glad about. The more he considered it, the more he felt that being here with Seungcheol was much more preferable than having no one at all.

Seungcheol had made sure Jisoo was comfortable throughout their trip, taking his time to introduce every inch of his apartment; from the shoe and coat rack, to the carpet, and even the snacks he kept hidden for special occassions. Jisoo would be lying if he said he didn't find the act cute, funny how the smallest things could brighten up his day.

Despite the warm welcome, some parts were still troublesome. Jisoo had difficulty sleeping; constantly getting nightmares throughout the night which made him feel worse knowing he probably ruined Seungcheol's rest as well. It didn't help when Jisoo's inability to make physical contact with someone had immediately been shattered all over again. Years of work only to end up ruined by the sole cause of it initially.

Seungcheol, on the other hand, continued to reassure him everything was alright and that he was safe. Holding the male tightly while running his hands through his hair, not bothering to close his own eyes until he knew Jisoo had fallen asleep first.

Seungcheol was the one to seek him out.

Seungcheol was also the one to save him.

With this in mind, Jisoo wondered when he would be able to return his gratitude. He questioned if he even deserved this kindness in the first place.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

HEARING the door shut behind him, Jisoo flinched, nearly dropping one of the glasses in front of him. The blonde cursed at himself, almost laughing at the way he couldn't even endure the sound of a door closing.

He placed the glass back onto the shelf, making a mental note on where he would find one in case he was thirsty later on. Whirling around he met eyes with a pink-haired boy. "Oh sorry– I didn't think anyone was here."

Jihoon nods, setting his bag on the counter as Jisoo turns around continuining his search for a bowl. Jihoon eyes the pack of noodles beside him, feeling hungry himself. "Bowls are on the second shelf." The blonde looked up, taking the bowl and setting it on the counter after muttering a brief "thank you".

He looked up, "You must be the roommate."

"And you must be the not so ex-boyfriend." Jihoon replied, a small smile tugging at his lips. "I'm Jihoon. Don't worry, my lips are sealed. I was the only one he told." Jisoo's expression went blank, nodding softly as he washed his hands. "Did he..did he tell you why–"

"It's not my business." Jihoon interrupted, leaving the counter to grab a bowl for himself. "I'm just here to collect a few things then I'll be on my way. I don't move out fully until the end of the week so don't worry."

Jisoo hummed in response, dissapointed with himself at the lack of poor communication. Why was it so hard for him to have a normal conversation?

"Are you..okay?" The younger asked, "I know it's not my business, but make sure Cheol's treating your wounds correctly so they won't scar. Otherwise, I'll throw him out for you." Jisoo followed his eyesight towards the small bruise on his shoulder. He knew there were more visible marks, but it was better for him to ignore it. Instinctively he pulled up the material to cover his shoulder. "He's taking good care of me. I don't why since all I've done was cause him trouble, but I can see him trying." The blonde stirred his bowl of noodles, blowing softly to prevent him from burning his tongue.

"He cares about you. Of course he'd do anything to make sure you're okay. He told me a lot about you two, you know." Jihoon took a bite of his own food as well, swallowing before he spoke. "I've known Seungcheol since we were in grade school. The one thing I know for a fact is that he takes extreme care over those he loves. He'll protect them with his life."

Jisoo looked down at his bowl, staying silent at the sentence. That's the problem, I don't want to be someone he has to give up everything for.

Jihoon didn't mind his silence, it actually made him like the male just a bit, adding on with the way Seungcheol described him. They sat quietly after that, eating together in a silent void, somehow comfortable that way.
. . .

"Oh and Jisoo," Jihoon started, pausing to open the door, "Seungcheol cares about you a lot. I haven't seen him that happy in a while..so when you two called it quits he was really upset, but refused to show it. He suffered from a broken heart once before. So if you care about him just as much as I think you do, please don't take advantage and crush it too."

Jisoo watched as Jihoon closed the door behind him leaving him in silence once more. Jisoo looked down at his hands, the same sentence on loop in his head. So if you care about him just as much as I think you do, please don't take advantage and crush it too.

"I don't plan on it."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

i hope this is edited correctly bc docs crashed in the middle of me revising sigh

i apologize for the lack in updates and this short ass chapter 🙏🙏

reached the final quarter of dream tho :')

black eye by vernon

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