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"IS it really that necessary for us to go? Especially when it's our day to hangout! C'mon you guys, I don't even want to go to this thing anyway! Besides, I'm sure no one we know will even be there, we're total losers, I mean Gyu is like a person magnet so he could possibly make as many friends as he wants too, but Hao! You literally, like hate people! Not to mention, large crowds scare me!" The two on the couch blinked in surprise, this was the first time any of them had heard Jisoo speak that much in years, and it was simply to state his disapproval of attending a small party.

They knew they obviously had to go now.

"Jisoo this is the first time I've ever heard you speak this much since they killed off Ben." Jisoo gasped, "he was supposed to be together with Rey! That ending made no sense! The Star Wars franchise killed off the last good ship they had!" The two on the couch only giggled at this, "we get it, you're a nerd."

Jisoo turned red, opening his mouth to speak up, but soon closed it shut, sulking as he put himself in between the two on the couch. "Whatever. If you guys truly valued our friendship you wouldn't make me go." Minghao and Mingyu looked at each other behind Jisoo's head, both signaling the other to talk. "Are you sure this isn't because of a certain someone that will be at the party?" Minghao asked suspiciously, "it isn't even that big of a deal."

"No this is not because of Seungcheol!" Jisoo shouted, "Why would I even have a problem with him?!" Minghao only smirked to himself, raising an eyebrow as he leaned back into the couch, crossing a leg over the other. "I was talking about Seokmin, but I guess that could work too."

Jisoo was perplexed by this, he blinked rapidly, sitting up in defense. "I obviously meant Seokmin too!" Mingyu giggled at the elder, getting up to stretch, "it's okay if you don't want to go hyung. We thought it would just be good for you to get out once in a while. You only ever hangout with us, not that we don't like hanging out with you! It's just, I think it would be good for us, right haohao?" Minghao blushed at the nickname, looking away abruptly before nodding, "we really want you to go Jisoo."

Curse Jisoo for his inability to say no. He sighed deeply, putting aside his pride and feelings once more, "fine. We can go, but just for a while. Two hours max." The younger two looked at each other grinning, each grabbing a hand of Jisoo's to prepare for the upcoming night.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

TWO hours had passed. Jisoo had no clue where the two ventured off too, perhaps to drink till they drop, or even mess around while playing a game of poker, although Jisoo wouldn't even count it as a game since Soonyoung had gotten multiple coins involved. Why the hell does he have stacks of pennies??

The three were glued to each other's side at the beginning, always in a deep conversation amongst themselves unless one left to go to the restroom, but even then, the other two quietly trailed along and stayed right outside the door. So much for being inseparable. Jisoo had thought, downing a strong taste of liquor Jisoo could've sworn was apple juice just a second ago. Maybe he grabbed the wrong drink?

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