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chapter dedicated to ruu bc i promised her a non angst chap <3

( I hope this kinda made up for it at least?? )

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*


"JISOO look there's Hao!" The overly excited puppy right next time would not shut up, nor stop moving for that matter and Jisoo wished he could die then and there. He was caught stuck to his chair like a deer in headlights as he tried to decipher if his own head was just deceiving him. Maybe I truly am going insane. He thought, suddenly finding it hard to swallow. "Yeah, I can see that Gyu, here, can you look at my Calc notes for me real quick? I think I got twelve and thirteen wrong." Mingyu looked puzzled at this, "..you don't take calculus-" "here!" And yet, the younger obliged silently and went over some random problems he could only assume were from last year.

As for Jisoo, you could say he was panicking quite a bit. Never in his life did he imagine meeting the one person who saw him at his weakest so soon, and yet here he was. It was truly mortifying. Maybe Jisoo wouldn't have had as much of a problem with it if it was somewhere that didn't involve his friends, but unfortunately life isn't that easy. For Jisoo at least. Things only got worse when he saw the same male from before point a finger at him, that was the moment Jisoo truly regretted not skipping class with Soonyoung. He let out a small shriek, eyes widening in panic as he looked around for the biggest object he could find.

What for?

To hopefully end his misery.

He sighed deeply, "Gyu! Hold still and don't move!" He whisper-shouted, scrambling out of his desk, but managed to knock over almost everything with it. Feeling conflicted, he could not decide whether or not to pick things up, however taking another look at Seungcheol who seemed interested in Jisoo's movements, made his answer more clear as he went behind his taller friend, crouching down on the floor.

Mingyu only hummed in response, "wow hyung, Hao's friend is hot-"

"Mingyu not now."

"Shit, they're coming over here!"

"What?! Distract them Gyu, do something!"

"Why me?"

"Because I said so!"

"Can you two please stop bickering..you're embarrassing enough as it is." Minghao mumbled, his head hung low in disappointment. "Jisoo hyung, why are you acting so weird?" Jisoo could only laugh hysterically, pretending to search for something, "What? I'm not. I thought I saw my missing earbuds under here, but I guess I was wrong..haha.." Minghao could only raise his eyebrows at this. "Hey Jisoo!" Seungcheol beamed, causing the other to immediately bump his head on the side of Mingyu's desk. "Ow~" he groaned, looking up at the three in front of him, one being completely irritated with everything, the other looking worried, and the last had a bright, gushy grin plastered on his face.

This, of course, did not have an effect on the brunette, who was practically memorized by the sight in front of him. "Why are you here?" He mumbled looking off the side to hide the bright shade of red on his face. "Why are you on the floor?" Jisoo locked eyes with Seungcheol yet again, the two engaging in a nonverbal discussion somehow only with their eyes. "You two know each other?" Minghao asked, pointing a finger between the two boys, a slight ounce of confusion and irritation in his voice. "You guys are being creeps.." he mumbled under his breath, earning a glare from Jisoo.

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