After looking through some other profiles including my own profile and my 1st post, I put away my phone and walked to the location to meet up with Hirata.
While going there, I made a phone call with Koenji.
"Yo, Koenji, so I wanted to talk about the patterns about the student ID card numbers, and well I did find something?"
"Oh? Elaborate on that, will you?"
"Well it appears as if the 1st year boys follow the kana phonetic alphabet, and then the 1st year girls follow after that with the same kana phonetic alphabet, which is nothing too surprising or interesting. More so just expected. However, there are a few outliers to this for some reason even after considering multiple different arrangements, such as Shibata's one. However, I need to investigate the student ID card numbers of at least another 1st year class to check for another possible arrangement of the numbers in case if he isn't an outlier when considering that arrangement of different classes. Also, there seems to be the idea that there are more than 160 student ID card numbers in each year as well, so I plan on asking about that today to a teacher by perhaps asking if I can change my own number to one that isn't being used at the moment."
"As expected for your pursuit to be this exhaustive. It's a shame that Kanzaki wasn't willing to ask for Ichinose's student ID card number, but both Kanzaki and I do have to ascertain my future residence in class B after all. I am certain that you also desire to maintain the fact that class B's student ID card numbers are privy to you," Koenji stated.
"Yeah, I'll find a way to get hers regardless, but I doubt that it will be too significant, but that should be everything," I replied.
"Indeed, Vice President of the Student Council, you certainly have come a far way now compared to when you first arrived at this school. You've changed quite a bit."
"Really now? Well I suppose I would be somewhat influenced by you considering we worked closely together since the 1st week of school, especially with those scams. But I am surprised with all"
"Now now, there is no need to downplay yourself around the perfect existence to amuse me. You also did work a lot of stuff in the backgrounds too just like how I did. But alas, the student ID card numbers system wasn't the only thing that I worked on in the backgrounds. In fact, I ventured towards obtaining another source of income as a result of Nagumo limiting both of our abilities to perform the scams. But that will reveal itself in due time. For now there is something I would like to ask, in exchange for the class B student ID card numbers," Koenji said.
I wonder what he is talking about, but oh well. I can't imagine what else he could possibly have in mind to make even more private points. Anyways, I see Hirata in the distance at the location we agreed to. So I waited outside of Hirata's line of sight.
"What is it?" I replied.
"Who do you think are the most unnecessary students in this class?"
"Well, that is quite a tricky question. There are students who at first may seem unnecessary but they may have unique skills that could come to light that are a lot more useful than expected. But that is more so an opinion that I have, in regards to equality and merit. But if you are asking for an answer now, then I would say Hondou, Ike, Yamauchi, Shinohara, Satou and Sakura. Those students in particular are the ones I would say are the most useless in this class. This isn't a particularly important ask though, don't you want to know anything else?"
"I see, I would have to agree with your assessment. And no, there isn't anything else. You knowing about this will only benefit me as well regardless once you start the class transfers. And you are certainly a cruel man, including your girlfriend on that list, but that was the answer I was wondering about asking you," Koenji then cut the call before I could say anything.

COTE: Koenji What if
FanfictionClassroom of the elite, except Koenji knows about the white room and the masterpiece of the white room. In other words, this what if is about Koenji if he did not hold back. Expect to see some of the hidden plots used.